Give young children a good start to their education Teach Me Series Maths Wiz Give young children a good start to their education Module 1: Skills Development Worksheets: Print from here. Education for All Copyright reserved
1-Module-1 Skills: Worksheets & Activities to Print Page Section Pupils 8 Moods and feelings wall 76 3-in-a-row board pair 15 Sort by size & shape 81,82,83 Colour in jigsaw puzzles each 16 Clothes peg colour match group 85 Swapem Small board 19 or 136 Colours – 8 blocks 86,87,88 22 Threading 90 Swapem Big board 29,30,31 Colour in 93-100 Maze puzzles 36 Car chase board 103 Practise drawing shapes 38 Snakes & Ladders board 104,105 Match Shapes-1 42,43,44 Drawings wall display 108-112 Sudoku puzzles 47-56 Finish the drawing 114,115 Flash cards 58 Worm Chase board 131 Progress report 63,65 Spinning wheels 138 2 sets of 8 blocks 70 Numbers worksheet 72 Counting memory cards 74 Worm Number Chase board To Save on Costs of Printing: In the ‘Pupils’ column: ‘pair’ = 2 pupils ‘group’= up to 4 pupils. ‘wall’ = 1 print to display on a wall. Pages 19 or 136 = 8 blocks on full or half page. 128 Buddy Software
1-Module-1 Skills: Activities Index Page 1 Section 3-6 INSTRUCTIONS 25 Thread buttons 51 Web or plant or ….. 4 Skills development resumè 26 Thread straws 52 Soccer ball 5 Language choice 27-38 COLOURING IN & GAMES 53 What you see along a road 6 Order of doing the work 28 Instructions 54 Complete the houses 7-8 MOODS AND FEELINGS 32 Memory with colour cards 55 Complete the dragon 6-7 Moods and feelings 33 Memory with bottle tops 56 Fish and duck in a pond 9-17 EARLY LEARNING 34 Make a colour dice 59-65 MAKE DICE,SPINNING wheels 10 Own sort 35-36 Car Chase game 66-76 NUMBERS AND COUNTING 11 Egg box sort 37-38 Snakes and Ladders game 67 Explain numbers 0 to 5 12 Bottle top building blocks 39 CREATIVE DRAWING 68 Number Sounds game 13 Bottle tops as cars 40-44 Importance of drawing 69-70 Number worksheet & game 14 Sort straws by length 41 Drawing Tips 71-72 Counting Memory game Use straws for building 42-44 How to draw things guide 73-74 Worm Number Chase game 15 Sort by shape and size 45-56 FINISH THE DRAWING 75-76 3-in-a-row game 16 Clothes peg colour match 46 77-90 COLOUR IN & JIGSAW PUZZLES 17-19 Names of colours 47 Family 78 20-26 THREADING 48 People 79 Story time instructions 21-23 Make threading boards 49 Tree trunks 80 Stories about the pictures 24 Thread bottle tops 50 Draw yourself 81 Rainbow puzzle 130
1-Module-1 Skills: Activities Index Page 2 Section 82 Frog puzzle 116-119 USEFUL TIPS 83 Fish puzzle 117 Keep a ‘to do’ list 84-85 Swapem Small board game 118 Paint a chalkboard on a wall 86 Teddy Bear puzzle Novel storage shelves 87 Worm puzzle 119 Store things in small boxes 88 Dinosaur puzzle 120-124 MAKE THINGS FOR CLASS 89-90 Swapem Big board game 121 Make your own play dough 91-97 MAZES 122 Make finger paints 92 Explain what a maze is 123 Make puffy paints 93-96 Mazes for beginners (8) 124 Make a button pattern board 97-100 More mazes (8) 125-128 THE 6 STAGES OF DRAWING 101-106 SUDOKU WITH SHAPES How children’s skills develop 102-103 Practise drawing shapes 129-138 MORE OPTIONS 104-105 Match the Shape-1 130 List of worksheets & activities 106-107 Explain what Sudoku is 131 Progress Report 108-112 Sudoku puzzles (10) 132,133 Index 113-115 FLASH CARDS 134-137 Guidelines to presenting lessons 114 Cards for the children 138 Worksheet – 2 sets of 8 blocks 115 Cards for the teachers 139 A NOTE ABOUT THE CLIPART USED 4
How do you feel? Happy Sad Waiting Cross Worried Sick 8
SORT BY SHAPE AND SIZE Children colour in the shapes and paste this sheet onto thin cardboard. They then cut out the shapes and sort by shape and size, big to small or small to big. 15
CLOTHES PEG COLOUR MATCH The child colours the 5 parts of each circle a different colour. They paste this page onto thin cardboard and cut out the circles. Stick a strip of a label on the ends of 10 clothes pegs and colour the 10 strips the same colour as the parts of the circles. The child now clips the clothes pegs onto the correct colour in the circles. 16
rectangle triangle 22
Beetle Butterfly 29
Chicken Clover 30
Flower House 31
42 Display these drawings in the class so that children can copy them if they want to
How to draw things-1: Dolphin Cat Bull Pig Fish Tortoise 43 Display these drawings in the class so that children can copy them if they want to
How to draw things-2: Cartoon person Sheep Donkey Fish Rabbit 44 Display these drawings in the class so that children can copy them if they want to
Finish the drawing 47
Finish the drawing 48
Finish the drawing 49
Can you draw yourself? 50
Finish the drawing 51
Finish the drawing 52
Finish the drawing. 53
Finish the drawing 54
Finish the dragon 55
Finish the drawing 56
The head of the worm is a colour. To finish players must get a colour. Worm Chase Start The head of the worm is a colour. To finish players must get a colour. 58 Buddy Software
Numbers worksheet 70
Counting Memory Game cards 72 32
Worm Number Chase Start The arrows take you forwards or back. 74 To finish players must land exactly on the head. If they don’t land on the head, they move backwards. 74
Buddy Software Buddy Software 76
SWAPEM SMALL 85 Buddy Software
SWAPEM BIG 90 Buddy Software
(2) (1) 93
(3) (4) 94
(6) (5) 95
(8) (7) 96
(10) (9) 97
(11) (12) 98
j k l m n o p q r j k l MATCH SHAPES-1 THE GAME (1 to 3 players) Print this page and the next and paste them onto thin cardboard. Cut out the shape cards on this page and use them with Game Board-1. THE GAME (1 to 3 players) Place the shape cards face down on the table. A player picks up a card. If it is a clown the card is put back on the table face down. If it is not a clown all players help and try to place it on the same shape on the game board. Once placed, the next player plays. j k l m n o p q r j k l 52 Buddy Software
GAME BOARD-1: Pick up and place the matching shape card on each block. v w x y z Buddy Software
Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Each row has the same shapes. Draw the missing shape. Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Buddy Software 2 107
Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Each row has the same shapes. Draw the missing shape. Each row has the same shapes. Draw the missing shape. 3 Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Buddy Software 108
Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Each row has the same shapes. Draw the missing shape. Each row has the same shapes. Draw the missing shape. 4 Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Buddy Software 109
Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Each row has the same shapes. Draw the missing shape. Use a pencil so that you can rub out. Buddy Software 5 110
Buddy Software