Mathematics and Numeracy Number and Non Number Practical experience (questioning) Mathematical language Written work (show understanding independently) Workshops
Number Non Number Understanding number and number notation Patterns, relationships and sequences Addition & Subtraction Money Non Number Handling data Space Shape Length Weight Time
Practical experiences Importance to do before we record. 10 Workstations covering different areas. If you do/experience then you will remember
Mathematical language
Written work Practical experience must come first Shows understanding Promotes independent learning Can spot misunderstanding Promotes thinking skills Promotes problem solving skills Symbols of mathematics
Workshop 1 Handling data -Sorting -Carroll diagram -Venn diagram -Graph Station: practical Carroll Diagram (e.g. button, not button), sorting objects for different criteria, pasta shapes Language: same, different, sort, why? How?, table, group
Workshop 2 Number -number order -sets of -more less, comparing -number names -before, after, one more, one less, between Station; numbers in the environment, number lines, number cards, making sets of numbers using cubes, number games, number computer programmes, mental maths games, songs, rhymes, stories, cubes, lego Language: number names, more, less, next, after, before, order, start, count, touch count, count on, none, how many?, next, between,
Workshop 3 Patterns, relationships and sequences -counting -patterns -sequence numbers Station; making patterns using beads, cubes, pegs, crayons, toys etc, sequencing number cards, matching cards to amounts, Number rhymes Language: patterns, colour, object, next, pattern of 2, 3 etc, key, how many?, size, repeated pattern, match
Workshop 4 Shape -shape names 3D and 2D -shape properties (sides, corners) Station: shape pictures, shape games, shape toys, feely bag, junk art Language: 2D shape names: square, circle, rectangle, triangle, star. 3D shape names, cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, cone. Properties; flat, curved, sides, face, edge, end, solid, corner, round, point, pointed. sort, make, build, draw
Workshop 5 Addition and subtraction -adding and taking away practically -language of addition and subtraction -written using symbols Station; practical addition using objects, games, recording, adding machine Language; (+) adding, addition, more, add, and, sum, total, equals (=), how many altogether, plus, join, total, how many more to make? (-) take away, minus, less, how many/much left?
Workshop 6 Weighing -heavier, lighter, measuring, scale up or down, balanced Station; scales and objects to weigh, estimation using feeling hands first, think which is heavier 1st Language: Measure, size, compare, guess, estimate, enough, not enough, too much, too little, too many, too few, nearly, about the same as, weigh, weighs, scales, weight, heavier, lighter, measuring, scale up or down, balanced
Workshop 7 Measuring/length -length (non-standard units) longer, shorter, taller, smaller -measuring and comparing -language of length Station; using non-standard lengths worksheet, using objects to find things shorter, longer in the classroom, snakes resource Language: length, width, height, depth, long, short, tall, high, low, wide, narrow, deep, shallow, think, thin, longer, shorter, taller, higher…, longest, shortest…,far, near, close, metre, ruler.
Workshop 8 Time -Days of the week -Night and day, afternoon, morning -O’clock Station; night and day pictures, welcome time, greeting people, giant clock and individual clocks Language: time, days of the week, seasons, day, week, month, year, weekend, birthday, holiday, morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight, bedtime, dinner time, playtime, today, yesterday, tomorrow, before, after, next, last, now, soon, early, late, quick, quicker, fast, slow, old, new, takes longer, takes less time, hour, o’clock, half past, clock, watch, hands.
Workshop 9 Money -1p coins (buying and selling) how much does it cost? -recognise coins Station: set up a pretend shop, allowing children to play and explore with coins Language; money, coins, how much? how many coins, change, total, add, altogether, penny, pence, pound, price, cost, buy, sell, spend, spent, pay, change, dear, costs more.
Workshop 10 Space -Beebots (language of direction) -positional language -Direction and movement Station; beebots and beebot mats, I pad beebot game, maze, barrier games Language; position, over, under, underneath, above, below, top, bottom, side, on, in, outside, inside, around, in front, behind, front, back, before, after, opposite, apart, between, corner, direction, left, right, up, down, forwards, backwards, sideways, across, near, far, along, through, from, to , towards, away from, movement, slide, roll, turn, stretch, bend
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