University Of Finance & Administration Pavla Břečková [Ing., Ph.D.] INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS [NA_IB] Pavla Břečková [Ing., Ph.D.]
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS – main areas Full-time course = 12 lectures per 90 mins. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS [IB], characteristics, indicators. WORLD BUSINESS TERRITORIES, challenges, integration, main trading blocks [TRIAD, BRIC] GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. EMERGING MARKETS, characteristics, features, selected markets in detail BRICS Doing business in ASIA Foreign market analysis PREDISPOSITIONS for working in IB, expatriation and HR in IB
12 lectures (per 90 mins) - Finished by: exam EXAM terms NA_IB 12 lectures (per 90 mins) - Finished by: exam Completion CONDITIONS = min. 12 points out of 30 Active participation in the lectures [active listening, discussing, reading, analyzing & interpreting of economic articles or case study results, presence at lectures – 50%] Case study elaboration & it’s active professional prezentation Knowledge test if wanted or necessary ALL BASED ON POINTS AS FOLLOW 5 points = 3/5 presence (if less = 0 points) up to 10 points = success at CASE study & its prezentation up to 15 points = TEST TOTAL max 30 12 – 14 points = E 15 – 17 = D 18 – 20 = C 21 - 23 = B 24 – 30 = A
CASE study / team project CASE study on one of these topics: 1. The CASE which influenced the world business … i.e. had a global impact (direct or indirect) but after the business environment/market etc. has not been the same. Could be a scandal (e.g.Enron) or a discovery of something. 2. COMPETITIVENESS … of a company or a country. Determinants, key factors, process of finding and correct definition of the competitive advantage, and it’s ‘sale’(how to communicate it towards customers). 3. New TRENDS in business … could be the new ways how to get to market/to the customer, new retail channels, or practices (e.g. changes in business contacts in B2B or approaching customers in B2C), ways of maintaining customers etc… and very concrete examples. 4. SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises) and their role in a globalizing world Companies up to 250 employees ( European definition), their specifics, positives x negatives, could contain some statistics or comparison in various countries. Their major role in society, comparison of views on them in various countries or contexts. 5. PRODUCT PLACEMENT – market study Placing of a product into a foreign market, including product description + argument why it is suitable for export, analyses of the preferential market (why this market, structure and potential of the target group), mapping competition, potentials + risks, argument why you think your product will succeed. 6. NOT WIDELY KNOWN (UNUSUAL INFORMATION) about BRICS / EU / ASEAN or another international trade grouping
CASE study - elaboration CASE study on of the topics – as per previous slide – the topic needs to be agreed with lecturer, team recorded. ELABORATION: Elaboration in teams per up to 6 people Presentation of the results - ppt possible, cca 10 min., structured way, clear outcomes (solutions, results) PREZENTATION: - up to 10-12 min. / all the team members should be involved 5
Team projects presentation - schedule 5/10/2016 introductory lesson, setting the teams, choosing topics 19/10/2016 lecture / consulting on the team projects 2/11/2016 lecture / consulting on the team projects 16/11/2016 no lecture, will be another term (24.11.2016) 24/11/2016 9 – 12 am: group session / possibly guest lecture 30/11/2016 lecture / presentation of teams 14/12/2016 presentation of teams / concluding the course (possibly the TEST)
LITERATURE SOURCES Povinná literatura / Mandatory reading: Charles W. L. Hill: Global Business Today, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 7th edition, 2011 Doporučená literatura / Recommended reading: Allan Sitkin, Nick Bowen: International Business, January 2010. Stuart Wall, Dr. Bronwen Rees: International Business: A First Course, September 2009. Wild, J., Wild, K., Han, J.: International business: the challenges of globalization. 4th ed. – Pearson, Upper Saddle River, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-13-174743-6. Woods, M.: International business. Basingstoke, Palgrave, 2001. ISBN: 0-333-75979-6. Griffin, R.W., Pustay, M.W.: International business: a managerial perspective. 5th int. ed. - Upper Saddle River, Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN: 0-13-233532-8
EXCHANGE across border INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS What is international business? = exchange of goods and services undertaken by business bodies across the national border with the foreign business bodies = cross-border commercial transactions INT business = EXCHANGE across border
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS CONSISTS IN: Barter / Import / Export International TRADE FDI / Portfolio investment / WOS etc. International INVESTMENT Licensing / Franchising / Management contracts etc. Other forms of int. business ACTIVITY 9. 9
International INVESTMENTS - generally FDI = Foreign Direct Investment investments made for the purpose of ACTIVELY CONTROLLING PROPERTY, assets, or companies located in host countries HOME x HOST country Forms of FDI GREENFIELD (new facility) ACQUISITION of (or merger with existing local firm) Portfolio Investment purchases of foreign financial assets (stock, bonds, certificates, deposits) for a purpose OTHER than CONTROL
How IB differs from DOMESTIC business? currencies – conversions, risks, rates securing culture – behavior, business practice resources technology – way of producing often legal system – laws
How IB differs from DOMESTIC business? Cases create legal precedents COMMON / CASE law Detailed listing what IS and IS NOT permissible CIVIL law Based on the faith & practice of a particular religion RELIGIOUS law Often in communist and dictatorships is whatever the country’s bureaucrats say it is BUREAUCRATIC law
TERRITORIAL COMMODITY STRUCTURE of IB = portfolio of all the business territories the company or country makes business with TERRITORIAL = portfolio of all the business commodities the company or country makes business with COMMODITY
Special hot issue: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY products of the mind (SW, screenplays, music, chemical formula for a new drug). can be protected by PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARK PATENT – grants the inventor of a new product or process exclusive rights for a defined period to the manufacture, use, or sale of that invention COPYRIGHT – exclusive legal rights of authors, composers, playwrights, artists, and publishers to publish and disperse their work as they see fit TRADEMARK – designs and names, often officially registered, by which merchants or manufacturers designate and differentiate their products 15.
Business threats / opportunities WORLD BUSINESS Features / consideration: Dollar / Euro ZONE Business Culture Law enforcement Business Barriers Business threats / opportunities 16.
the 20th century by the USA as the great economic power WORLD BUSINESS possible PROSPECT The interesting QUESTION [from an economic perspective] is what the above means for the future: the 19th century was dominated by Great Britain and Europe as colonial powers the 20th century by the USA as the great economic power the 21st century will be controlled by Asia, and China in particular 17.
GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Session one is devoted to a discussion of the global context within which IB must function in the 21st century. The aim is to describe the external framework which exists today and which will influence company strategies in the international arena. There are clearly some factors that will be more important than others in determining the likelihood of success in international markets: The state of the world economy and the rules and regulations governing INT trade and investment are critical The political and social environment also impinges on businesses, i.e. consideration of the role of culture in IB / importance of cultural empathy to business success
GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Awareness of the GENERAL ENVIRONMENT – 2 levels of understanding BROAD = relevant to most companies [includes economy, political, tech. world and sociological issues] SPECIFIC = important to the individual business [includes customer / supplier relations, investor requirements, workplace issues] Factors at BROAD level of IB understanding – influences on the IB environment 20. 20
IB OPERATIONS (micro / operational level) Manufacturing Assembling Distribution Selling 21.
FACTORS with SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCES on IB (BROAD level of understanding IB) POLITICAL Integration of LDCs and Centrally planned economies into INT economy Difficulties (& oppo) raised by econ.inequalities Role of OECD, WTO, World Bank, EU commiss. direction of INT Trade & Investment Environmental concerns ECONOMIC INT economic agreem. (liberalisated trade & capital flows) => led to establishing REGIONAL ECONOMIC GROUPINGS - 3 main trading blocks TRIAD GATT (1947-95) =>WTO 2 particular issues of Importance for FUTURE: Labour standards Environmental issues TECHNOLOGICAL Economic cycles in 50 years waves: Prosperity Recession Depression Recovery INFROMATION & COMMUNICATION wave (1980/90’) driven via NETWORKS (comps, tech based com., production, control systems) TRANSPORTATION 22.
QUESTIONS to prove knowledge in IB What is International business? Characterize, please. What IB consists in? 3 main categories. What is BARTER? What is FDI? What is HOME x HOST country? What is Portfolio investment? How IB differs from DOMESTIC trade? What are the main differences? What law / legal systems do you know? What is territorial / commodity structure of IB? GLOBAL business environment – 2 levels: Broad and Specific. Can you explain? Factors influencing IB: Political / Technological / Economic
Thank you for your attention INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Thank you for your attention Ing. Pavla Břečková, Ph.D.