ILD Soft & Analysis meeting


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Presentation transcript:

ILD Soft & Analysis meeting MC Production - Status and plan - Akiya Miyamoto 5 July 2017 ILD Soft & Analysis meeting

MCProduction: recent progress Generator meta information ELOG, Add about 500 entries from /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-dbd.log/generated; recent samples and some old samples not imported yet. Recent production: Plan of production with DBD soft 500 GeV 2f & 4f: Produce unprocessed events in existing stdhep files, within storage availability. Needs ~50TB. (lower priority) More 500GeV aa_4f samples for Shin-ichi: waiting new stdhep files from Gen gr. Bhabha samples for Taikan: wating new gen. files. ID Date SimID RecID Ecm ProcName ProcID ILDConfig Detector JobStatus   64   2017/6/20 8170 8171 250 np-light-higgs_mhX_e2e2h 250200-250211 v01-16-p10_250 ILD_o1_v05 Done   65   2017/6/22 8218 8219 500 aa_llll 37456, 37453 v01-16-p05_500   66   8220 8221 aa_4f 56 processes   67   2017/7/3 8267 8268 5f 37153 - 37384, 166 procs. Production ID64: Request by Yan & Mikael ID65: For Shin-ichi, re-produced 2 processes because the number of events were not correct. Production of existing stdhep files requested by Shin-ich completed. ID66, ID67: Un-produced events in existing stdhep files were/are being produced. Akiya Miyamoto, 5 July 2017

A draft work plan after ilcSoft release v01-19-03 0. Principle As the first test, start productions of calibration and physics samples by the latest release ASAP. Use Whizard1.95 DBD generator samples, because Whizard2 is not ready for physics quality. Produce sample could be used for comparison with the exising DBD samples. Consider 500 GeV only. 1. Production of calibration samples. [ 1~2 week] Event type single-particles : PDG=[13, 22, 130]: Momentum=[1,2,5,10,20,50,100] GeV phi=[0, 2pi], costh=[-1,1], 10k events each x 10 uds: Energy=[30, 40, 60, 91, 120, 160, 200, 240, 300, 350, 400, 500] GeV, 10k events each Application: DDSim & Marlin with ILDConfig-v01-19-03 Detector models: ILD-l4-v02, ILD-s4-v02, ILD-l1-v02ILD-l2-v02, (ILD-s1-v02), (ILD-s2-v02) Data output: sim, rec, dst are written to DESY-SRM, replicate rec to KEK-SRM. Replicate to other sites ? /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt/ild/[rec|sim], /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt.dsk]/ild/[dst|simlog|reclog] Production by ILCDirac UserJobs. Production an start as soon as the installation of ILCSoft and ILDConfig on cvmfs Produced samples will be used for software validation. If the validation fails, ILCSoft will be updated, make a new release and reproduce calibration samples. else Produced samples for LCFIPlus tuning: Need input generator samples! Proceed to produce physics samples Akiya Miyamoto, 5 July 2017

A draft work plan towards production of physics samples 2. Preparation to produce samples with the same condition as DBD:. [ 2~4 weeks ] 2.1 Production of aa_lowpt samples Do DDSim of DBD 500 GeV aa_lowpt ( not a bug fixed one ). ~ 8000 files? (500events each) 2 detector models. IP position : smear Z pos. a la DBD Use ILCDirac production system (probably OK) Constraint: v01-19-03 ILCSoft and ILDConfig have to be configured in ILCDirac. Produced aa_lowpt files have to be configured in ILCDirac for background overlay 2.2 Production of GuineaPig e+e- background events For BCAL background data 1 pulse ( ~1300 Bxs ) of GuineaPig e+e- events, with AntiDID field. 2 detector models Higher Pt e+e- GuineaPig events as background tracks in barrel region. Will be produced later for production with Whizard2. Akiya Miyamoto, 5 July 2017

Keisuke Fujii, ILD session at AWLC17

A draft work plan towards production of physics samples (continued) Production of physics samples [ 3~4 weeks ? ] 500 GeV samples, a la DBD. No IP smearing No overlay of guinea pig overlays Only signal events of bench mark processes, 2 detector models Sim & Rec by one ILDProductionChain Produce sim, rec, dst, and dst-merged in /ilc/prod/ilc/mc-opt 5. List of channels and statistics ( based on the report by Keisuke @ AWLC17) Benchmark Channel In charge of analysis Process_name Input data # files # events Int Lumi(1/fb) H->bb A.Ebrahimi nnh Pnnh.eL.pR.I106523.[001-005].stdhep 5 213176 1000 Pnnh.eR.pL.I106524.001.stdhep 1 21560 Pqqh.eL.pR.I106525.[001-005].stdhep 114700 .Pqqh.eR.pL.I106526.[001-004].stdhep 4 73426 H->mumu S.Kawada ffh_mumu Pffh_mumu.eL.pL.I108161.001.stdhep 20000 Pffh_mumu.eL.pR.I108162.001.stdhep Pffh_mumu.eR.pL.I108163.001.stdhep Pffh_mumu.eR.pR.I108164.001.stdhep tt-bar->6jet Y.Sato, S.Bilokin(?) 6get Pyycyyu.eL.pR.I108681.[001-015].stdhep 13 165000 Pyycyyu.eR.pL.I108682.001.stdhep 64060 Pyycyyc.eL.pR.I108683.001.stdhep 34 816726 500 Pyycyyc.eR.pL.I108684.001.stdhep 7 32710 gamma XX M. Habermehl 2f_Z_nuNg P2f_z_nung.eR.pL.I250131.[001-004].stdhep  1162572 600 P2f_z_nung.eL.pR.I250130.[001-048].stdhep 48 16855886 H-->cc ? evW->evqq Graham chi1-chi1, chi2-chi1 Needs for CPU and storage are not estimated yet Akiya Miyamoto, 5 July 2017

Summary A draft plan of coming MC production is presented. Before actual startup of the optimization production, more iteration and refinement of the plan will be necessary. Your comments and suggestion are highly welcomed.