Early Boston Neurology History of Neurology Early Boston Neurology Richard J. Barohn, MD Gertrude and Dewey Ziegler Professor of Neurology The University of Kansas Medical Center
James Jackson Putnam, MD (1846-1918) Born in Boston, MA Harvard Medical School - 1866 MGH home office Europe: Vienna (Rokitansky, Meynert) & London (Jackson) Physician to Outpatients & Electrician & Lecturer at MGH - 1872 Professor of Nervous Disease; Harvard – 1893 to 1912 Did electrical stimulation of cortex in dogs with William James Other contributions: Poliomyelitis Arsenic & lead neuropathies Myelopathy in pts with anemia/poor nutrition Founding member ANA in 1874 & President in 1888 Founding member Boston Society of Psychology & Neurology 1911 Also interested in Neurasthenia , psychology, and psychoanalysis Convinced Freud to visit Clark University - 1909 James Jackson Putnam, MD (1846-1918)
Early Boston Neurology Samuel G. Webber, MD (1838-1926) “Electrician” Boston City Hospital (1877) In charge of inpatient and outpatient neurology Book: Disease of the Peripheral Cerebrospinal Nerves (1881) Professor of Neurology at Tufts (1893) Professor of Clinical Neurology at HMS (1884) Robert Thaxter Edes, MD (1838-1923) HMS (1861) Civil War Assistant Surgeon General for US Navy Professor at HMS (1875-1886) Visiting Professor of Nervous Disease at Boston City Hospital Philip Combs Knapp, MD (1858-1920) HMS (1883) Physician of Dis Nervous System – Boston City Hospital (1886-1920) Book: Pathology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Intra-Cranial Growths (1891) Robert Thaxter Edes
Early Boston Neurology James Bourne Ayers, MD (1882-1903) HMS (1907), then MGH WWI developed method of puncture cisterna magna 1st in animals, then humans (1917) At MGH, CSF lab compared measurements of lumber & CM Measured protein content in CSF Pressure measurements to define lateral sinus thrombosis James Jackson Putnam Professor of Neurology (1926) Stanley Cobb, MD (1887-1965) HMS (1914) Surgery Intern at PBBH with Cushing, then Physiology at John Hopkins After WWI – became Instructor at HMS, then Assistant Professor of Neuropathology - studied in England Bullard Professor of Neuropathology HMS Chief of Neurology Service, Boston City Hospital (1930) Worked with Lennox, Putnam, Merritt, Fremont-Smith, and Gibbs Book: A Preface to Nervous Disease - 1936 Dedicated to Lennox Stanley Cobb
Early Boston Neurology William Gordon Lennox, MD (1888-1960) HMS (1913) Studied Rockefeller Med School & Hospital HMS, began investigation on epilepsy (1922) Worked with Cobb, Wolfe on cerebral blood flow New EEG techniques with Gibbs and Davis (1934) Book: Epilepsy & Related Disorders with his daughter (1960) Henry R. Viets, MD (1890-1969) HMS Oxford with Osler/ Sherrington At HMS/MGH established myasthenia gravis clinic Visited London (1935) Neostigmine, 1st used in USA Schwab in obituary: Viets gave Schwab a vial of neostigmine and said, “Find a myasthenia patient for tomorrow's conference and we will inject this in her muscles” Chairman of Medical Advisory Board MGF when formed (1962) Henry R. Viets
Derek Ernest Denny Brown, MD (1901-1981) Born in New Zealand, Medical School at Otago Univ. Fellow under Sherrington, 1925-1928 Neuro Registrar Queen Square & Guys Hospital, 1928-1933 Yale with John Fulton, monkey frontal lab research Chief Neuro SVC Boston City Hospital, 1939 WW2 SVC - Military hospital for head injuries in UK James Jackson Putnam Prof Neurology HMS, 1946-1967 Researcher in neurophysiology, neuropathy, clinical Topics: disorder of posture & movement Nature of reflex activity spasticity Books: Selected Writings of Charles Sherrington, 1939 The Frontal Lobes & Their Functions, 1941 The Basal Ganglia & Their Relations to Disorders of Movement, 1962 The Cerebral Control of Movement, 1966 Diseases of Muscles: A Study in Pathology, 1962 with R.D. Adams & C.M. Pearson Derek Ernest Denny Brown, MD (1901-1981)
L-R: Derek Denny-Brown, Dewey Ziegler, A.T. Steegmann 1966
Raymond D Adams, MD (1911-2008) Born in Portland, Oregon Univ of Oregon Psychology / Duke MD (1936) Boston City Hospital (1930’s/40’s) Chief of Neurology MGH (1951-1977) Bullard Professor of neuropathology at HMS Principles of Neurology with Maurice Victor 1st edition 1977; 10th edition 2014 Currently Sammuels & Ropper: Adam’s & Victor’s Principles of Neurology Books: Polymyositis with John Walton (1958) Disease of Muscles (1953) Histology and Histopathology of the Nervous System, ed. Webb Haymaker & RD Adams (1982)
4th Edition
Adams & Victor’s Principles of Neurology “My” 1st line Neurology Textbook as a Resident 2nd ed. 1981 3rd ed. 1985 4th ed. 1989 5th ed. 1993 1st ed. 1977 6th ed. 1997 7th ed. 2001 8th ed. 2005 9th ed. 2009 10th ed. 2014
Neurology Family Tree of R.D. Adams S. Hauser (UCSF) A. Roper (PBB/HMS) GBS Everything R. Brown (U Mass) ALS M. Samuels Gen Neuro
C Miller Fisher, MD (1913-2012) Born in Waterloo, Ontario Died in Albany, NY B.A. Victoria University Toronto (1935) M.D. University of Toronto (1938) Residency Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit & Royal Victoria Hospital Montreal WWII: Doctor in the Canadian Navy On HMS Voltaire when sunk (1941) 3.5 years in German prison camp The Royal Victoria Hospital & Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Then MGH for his neuro career founded the stroke service
C Miller Fisher, MD (1913-2012) Publications/ Importance Described TIA’s Strokes 2nd & Afib Strokes 2nd carotid stenosis & CEA Rx Described lacunar infarct & pure motor & pure sensory stroke An Unusual Variant of Acute Idiopathic Polyneuritis (Syndrome of Ophthalmoplegia, Ataxia and Areflexia). N Engl J Med. 1956; 255:57-65 The Miller Fisher Syndrome “Fisher Test”- describes the CSF tap test for NPH Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (1998)
Charles M. Poser, MD (1923-2010) Born in Antwerp, Belgium Tried to escape Europe in WWII but got trapped at Dunkirk; helped do 1st aid, age 17 1941 NYC - HS then City College NY Enlisted US Army - military intelligence Battle of Bulge (Bastogne) Present at liberation of the Mauthausen Concentration Camp Finished CCNY degree; earned MD at Columbia Medical School Res of Neurology at NY Neuro Inst & Columbia under HH Merritt 1955 Fulbright Scholarship in Antwerp under Ludo van Bogaert (Neuropath) 196? Joined U. Kansas section Neuro 196? moved to UMKC 1969 Chair Dept. of Neurology, U. of Vermont 1982 HMS, Beth Israel, Harvard & Veterans Administration Hospital Poser criteria for measuring & describing MS Poser CM, et al. New diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 1983 Mar;13(3):227-31 Topical neurology & malaria