1. Assambling (IHEP-INR, Russia);2. Arived (CERN);3


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Presentation transcript:

1. Assambling (IHEP-INR, Russia);2. Arived (CERN);3 1.Assambling (IHEP-INR, Russia);2.Arived (CERN);3.To the test bench;4.On the test bench

5. Apparature of test bench;6. LED signals;7 5.Apparature of test bench;6.LED signals;7.MIP signal (self trigger);8.MIP signal (external trigger)

10.On the beam (1);11.On the beam (2); 12. Support

1/4 Muon Veto Prototype ( Sept. 2008 ). PADS ( 1 - 9 )* OUTPUTS   1 2 1 2 3 x beam 4 5 4 5 6 7 8 9 *) Sc. Tile 200x200x10 mm Tab HAC FRONT## HV cab MUV ##CAEN HV, V I, mkA 49 3L00 3.00 1010 510 50 3L01 3.01 527 51 3L02 3.02 1060 539 HAC new sc 52 3L03 3.03 1700 355 HAC old sc 53 3L04 3.04 1900 620 54 3L05 3.05 592 55 3R00 3.06 1100 558 56 3R01 3.07 1080 546 57 3R02 3.08 1020 507 58 3R03 3.09 1030 523 59 3R04 3.10 547 60 3R05 3.11 940 503

Table OUTPUTS HAC FRONT## HV cab MUV ##CAEN HV, V I, mkA 3 49 3L00 3.00 1010 510 2 50 3L01 3.01 527 1 51 3L02 3.02 1060 539 HAC new sc 52 3L03 3.03 1700 355 HAC old sc 53 3L04 3.04 1900 620 54 3L05 3.05 592 9 55 3R00 3.06 1100 558 8 56 3R01 3.07 1080 546 7 57 3R02 3.08 1020 507 6 58 3R03 3.09 1030 523 5 59 3R04 3.10 547 4 60 3R05 3.11 940 503

PMT (FEU 85) Gain vs HV FEU 85(85A) LED HV, kV Log HV <A>,mV 0.7 -0.1549 2.2 0.8 -0.09691 9.1 0.9 -0.04576 28.6 1 80 1.1 0.041393 190 1.2 0.079181 368 1.3 0.113943 540 1.4 0.146128 690 1.5 0.176091 790