How to fill out course material request form and use electronic signature
Where can you access the form? The form is located on the website under the Students tab, bookstore and student accounts, at the bottom of the student accounts column. (Circled below)
This form is on a fillable PDF This form is on a fillable PDF. Just select the textbox and fill in the information needed for your course. Please fill out one form per course.
Information you want to include: Textbook title, edition, ISBN number, author, and publisher Check the box next to textbook if you need an instructors copy If you require any materials for your course, please select the check box or write in other what you may need. If you need to require the textbook new (access cards or CD’s). Select yes or no. Select the purchasing options you want/don’t want available to students. Make any notes that eCampus might need to know.
Signing with an electronic signature Now that you have finished your form you are going to want to sign it electronically. Click in the signature box and this message will come up on your screen. If you don’t have a ID, you will want to select the downward arrow and select “New ID”.
Signing with an Electronic Signature Once you select “New ID” this box will pop up. You will select “A new digital ID I want to create now” Then select next
Signing with an Electronic signature Select “New PKCS#12 digital ID file Then select next
Signing with an electronic signature Fill out the highlighted areas as shown in example Select next
Signing with an electronic signature Browse for a file where you want to save your signature Then create a password for you signature When done select finish
Signing with an electronic signature You will now select your new ID in the “sign as: "box and sign in with your password you created Then select sign! *You can change the appearance of your signature by selecting the Appearance box and selecting “Create New Appearance”. You can get fancy by scanning your own signature and uploading it as a JPG file and then uploading it to this.
Signing with an electronic signature Once you select sign, it will show on the document like pictured below. You will be able to send it to Gerry for her to look over and sign as well.
Questions? If you have any questions or need assistance please feel free to contact Lydia DeNasha in the Business office! Ext. 152 or MIIGWECH!!!