Battles and Events of the Revolution By Mrs. Moore
Lexington & Concord Lexington and Concord were small towns outside of Boston The first shots of the revolution were fired at Lexington. “The Shot Heard Around the World” The British were looking to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock and destroy military supplies Minutemen: were ready when the Redcoats arrived. George Washington is named commander-in-chief of the army.
Battle of Bunker Hill Important because of what the Americans learned. Americans forced to surrender because they ran out of gun powder. The Americans were able to cause heavy casualties on the British. Proved that Americans could stand up against the British and would not be easily defeated. It also showed the Americans that they would need to get supplies from their allies. The British left Boston and went to New York in search of American’s loyal to King George III.
Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson Wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense It convinced the colonist that is was common sense and time for independence from Britain. Colonist had asked the king the right to govern themselves in return they would be loyal After the king refused, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence declaring independence from England. Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson
The Declaration of Independence Written to King George III Stated that the rights of the people had been violated, and therefore the people had the right to abolish the old government and form a new one. /watch?v=DcoVWSpJFG4
Main Ideas of the Declaration 1. “All men are created equal” Did not include women, African Americans, and men who did not own land. 2. “they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Rights are not given to men by their government you born with them 3. “to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” The purpose of government is to protect the rights of the people. 4. “whenever any form of governments becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.” If the government does not protect the rights of the people it is the right of the people to change the government.
The Battle of Saratoga Turning point of the war for the Americans Americans defeated British Caused the French to enter into an alliance with the Americans France gave aid in the form of ships, soldiers, supplies, and money France wanted to get back at England and make money by trading with America The Marquis de Lafayette’s military leadership greatly helped the Americans
Battle at Charleston After New York the British went South searching for loyalist The first attempt at capturing Charleston was stopped because of the tide and Ft. Moultrie which was a log fort made of Palmetto trees. The second attempt they were successful because they blocked the harbor and cut off supplies.
Battle of Cowpens The Continental and irregular army came together to fight the British The irregular army attacked and then fled the field. This led the British to believe that they were retreating. The British were tricked and were lured into the range of the Continental army The British were retreated and fled North to Virginia.
Battle of Yorktown Final battle of the war. The French navy helped General Washington and his army by blockading the harbor. The blockade prevented British ships from entering the harbor and allowing the British army to escape. Surrounded by American and French soldiers on land and sea the British surrendered Paris Peace Treaty ended the war