Lorde’s ROYALS A Royal View… Our Identity Matters Lorde’s ROYALS A Royal View…
I feel too safe and too comfortable… It’s not all sweet and easy for those with Christian faith and a Christian family… Church/Sunday- it’s a whole lot more! Back in Peter’s day it was a time of unjust suffering.
How do we live in this culture? Being rooted in salvation given to us by God. Grow through being nourished by the word of God. Stand and thrive through understanding our identity in Christ Next.. Relate rightly to others
So, how do we build our lives in a world that misunderstands Jesus and in a world where we are constantly anxious about ‘how we look’ to those around us? Building blocks of Salvation Nourishment in God’s word Identity
Christ Rejected stone to cornerstone The living cornerstone of God’s temple Followers of Jesus- You Are Living stones Are Holy priests (collectively) Offer spiritual sacrifices Trusts (in) Him (Christ , vv6,7) Will never be disgraced (v6) Rejecters of Jesus-them/ people Reject Jesus Do not obey God’s word Stumble Fall Meet the fate that was planned for them Now God’s people Received God’s mercy Temporary residents and foreigners. A contrast people Chosen Royal priests Holy nation God’s own possession Tension to ‘fit in’- worldly desires wage war… You can show others the goodness of God Live properly… (they observe a lack of involvement with them as wrong doing) Honourable behaviour gives honour to God.
We must not underestimate the value and power of the community of God’s people, ‘the church’. We have an identity as a people beyond that of race, gender and place. Christian community is not primarily about togetherness- its about being ‘in the way of Jesus together.’ How does this change the way that we Raise of children? Gather in community? Work?
“Live such good lives” that people would see a beauty, a purity, a simplicity of life that is for others and reflects the glory of God
“Temporary residents and aliens” (Hauerwas, Willimon; Resident Aliens, 1989) Christians should focus on conforming to the gospel themselves Christians should model a new set of ethics which are grounded in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.
As a living stone who is a temporary resident and a foreigner I have let worldly desires wage war against my very soul. We as a collective people have let that happen far too often… What is honourable that my neighbour might see in me? What is honourable that our neighbours might see in the church?
Life A contrast community- gratitude, generosity, other centredness Words We praise God and proclaim Christ. Speak out creative words for the Spirit to use Deeds Flow from knowing that God’s desire is to restore his good creation… attending, advocating… live beautiful lives. Honouring to God