Are you Dying... To Leave a Legacy?


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Presentation transcript:

Are you Dying... To Leave a Legacy? Good morning, hear me, see me? Name, Role, Background   I have purposely entitled today’s session – are you dying… to leave a legacy Andrew wanted to get your attention & it’s a Saturday - on the agenda if nothing else Will explain more throughout the session Thought I’d talk about the market & sector top tips on encouraging legacies in your charity or church Eleanor Stead National Legacy & Funding Officer

Financial opportunity Christian Giving Life affirming Appropriate Prospects Mortality Rates Face to face fundraising

Legacies A POT OF GOLD Progress report Overall felt stronger approach was needed Agreed on regular progress report including statistics update National Strategy Looked at ways to better engage and motivate dioceses, parishes & improve communications Church Legacy Website All agreed it was in need of a purple face lift Agreed website should be branded cofe CL website was for individuals, PR for parishes. Look to further improve PR after CL launched Launch it after Xmas

Valuable Source of Income Voluntary Sector Worth around £2.3 billion pa Church of England Worth £52.8 million in 2014 Progress report Overall felt stronger approach was needed Agreed on regular progress report including statistics update National Strategy Looked at ways to better engage and motivate dioceses, parishes & improve communications Church Legacy Website All agreed it was in need of a purple face lift Agreed website should be branded cofe CL website was for individuals, PR for parishes. Look to further improve PR after CL launched Launch it after Xmas Data: Institute of Fundraising

Legacy Market 75% of Britons regularly give to charity, but only 7% leave a gift in their will… Progress report Overall felt stronger approach was needed Agreed on regular progress report including statistics update National Strategy Looked at ways to better engage and motivate dioceses, parishes & improve communications Church Legacy Website All agreed it was in need of a purple face lift Agreed website should be branded cofe CL website was for individuals, PR for parishes. Look to further improve PR after CL launched Launch it after Xmas Data: Institute of Fundraising

£400 m Voluntary Income Legacy Income £300 m £200 m £100 m £0 Data: Institute of Fundraising £400 m Voluntary Income Legacy Income £300 m £200 m £100 m Charities that received the 5 largest pots of legacy income Household charities – half of voluntary income, they’re depending on it – stream of income £0 National Trust CRUK RNLI RSPCA BHF

- RNLI over £90ml pa in legacy income. - 6 out of every 10 lifeboats launched by the RNLI is launched by the legacies of supporters

£400 m Church of England Voluntary Income Legacy Income £300 m £200 m Charities that received the 5 largest pots of legacy income Household charities – half of voluntary income, they’re depending on it – stream of income £0 National Trust CRUK RNLI RSPCA BHF

£400 m Church of England Voluntary Income Legacy Income £300 m £200 m Charities that received the 5 largest pots of legacy income Household charities – half of voluntary income, they’re depending on it – stream of income £0 National Trust CRUK RNLI RSPCA BHF

Total Legacy Income & Total PCC Income of Diocese Average legacy income is about £1.4 but in recent years received over £2m. 2009 £1.344 2010 £1.168 2011 £1.268 2012 £987 2013 £1.633 2014 £2,352 About 6% of total legacy income

Total Legacy Income & Total PCC Income of Diocese Average legacy income is about £1.4 but in recent years received over £2m. 2009 £1.344 2010 £1.168 2011 £1.268 2012 £987 2013 £1.633 2014 £2,352 About 6% of total legacy income

* Christian Giving Christian Giving Generosity & Sacrifice Proportionate Giving Christian giving is generous & sacrificial – so are legacies Must view legacies as a natural & fundamental part of Xian giving

Called to exercise Godly Stewardship “For all things come from you, and of your own we have given you.” 1Chronicles 29.14 Christians are called to exercise a godly stewardship over all that God has given to us. Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 1chronicles 29.14

Writing your Will A Simple Act of Good Stewardship - Archbishop Cramner wrote the first Prayer Book in the English Language over 500 years ago Will writing – nothing new. Priests encouraged their parishioners to make a Will - good stewardship.

“And if he have not before disposed of his goods, let him then be admonished to make his Will, and to declare his debts, what he oweth, and what is owing unto him; for the better discharging of his conscience, and the quietness of his Executors. But men should often be put in remembrance to take order for the settling of their temporal estates, whilst they are in health…” Book of Common Prayer Highlight discharging of his conscience (you feel better when you’ve written a will) Quietness of his Executors (the worst legacy you can leave your loved ones is to not make a will) Whilst they are in health (a message to the living, to everyone. Whenever your personal circumstances change, have you reflected them in your will) Book of Common Prayer, 1662

* Mission and Ministry A lasting gift to God The largest gift to God Legacies offer a rich potential for funding mission and ministry Important that we use their gifts to make a difference About credibility – not plugging a hole, make a difference to church life & church community

How is the C of E encouraging Legacy Giving? How are we applying that to cofe? What are we doing in our churches?

4 Simple Steps Legacy Policy Marketing Materials Share your Story Revisit Regularly Proposal forward to management for £10,000 to complete stock and produce USBS. I asked for 10,000 I got 2,000 but that’s enough to now have a decent stock in the stock cupboard Along with materials available Website dedicated to legacies provides further information for individuals, pccs and solicitors tells stories, paints pictures first step in re-branding our communications please visit the website and have a look Along with materials available Website dedicated to legacies provides further information for individuals, pccs and solicitors tells stories, paints pictures first step in re-branding our communications please visit the website and have a look

National Legacy & Funding Officer Are you Dying... To Leave a Legacy? Well yes, we are all dying Old or young from the moment you are born, you’re technically dying. But in this room we’re different, we believe in the resurrection… Light and hope Are you dying to leave a legacy? Majority no, some yes, some (after our session – thinking about it) It’s our role to provide spiritual and practical guidance for those who do and that’s why you should encourage legacy giving in your parish. Because it’s up to them, not us to decide how they support their church. Eleanor Stead National Legacy & Funding Officer

Questions, Thoughts, Comments Email: Call: 020 7898 1564