A Review of the Old Testament Lesson 24: A Review of the Old Testament Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.
I. ORDER OF CHARACTERS 2. Abel 3. Methuselah 4. Noah 5. Abraham 1. Adam 2. Abel 3. Methuselah 4. Noah 5. Abraham 6. Isaac 7. Jacob 8. Joseph 9. Aaron 10. Moses 11. Joshua 12. Gideon 13. Samson 14. Samuel 15. Saul 16. David 17. Solomon 18. Jeroboam 19. Ezra 20. Nehemiah
II. WHO’S WHO 1. Cain 2. Enoch 3. Jacob 4. Rebekah 5. Reuben 6. Samson 7. Shamgar 8. Gideon 9. Jethro 10. Caleb 11. Ruth 12. Boaz 13. Saul 14. Solomon 15. Nathan 16. Hannah 17. Jesse 18. Samuel
II. WHO’S WHO 19. Elisha 20. Ezra 21. Esther 22. Haman 23. Job 24. Jeremiah 25. Ezekiel 26. Daniel 27. Hosea
III. TABERNACLE 1. Brazen Altar 2. Laver 3. Table of Shewbread 4. Golden Candlestick 5. Altar of Incense 6. Ark of the Covenant
IV. HOLY DAYS AND FEASTS 1. Sabbath 2. Passover 3. Pentecost 4. Atonement 5. Sabbatical 6. Jubilee
V. WHAT’S WHAT 1. Babel 2. Rod 3. Plagues 4. Tabernacle 5. Mt. Nebo 6. Jerusalem 7. Samaria 8. Axe head 9. Psalm 10. Ecclesiastes