ADC Design and Custom Layout Jaeduk Han 2017. 3. 9 Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
I am from the other side High performance, Wired, Low power means 100mW But we are on the same page Power/datarate/noise/link budget Taping out soon & behind schedule Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
I’m an (1-bit) ADC expert! Sorry it’s my first time to build a ‘real’ ADC Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Agenda My ADC story Layout in <28nm Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Message from your advisor What’s the spec? ADC generator is your last phd project! Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Think about major spec items Signal range (Vin) : How large your input signal is? Sampling rate (Fs) : How many samples per second? Bandwidth (Fb) : What’s your frequency range of interest? Fb < Fs/2 because you can’t go higher than Nyquist Number of bits (Nbit) : How many output bits? Effect number of bits (ENOB) : Nbit corresponding to the ideal ADC (only quantization noise exists) ENOB < Nbit because you always got some distortions and noise Some ‘fraction’ of bit loss from sampling noise, comparator noise, comparator kickback, timing mismatches, nonlinear distortions, bandwidth limitations and ‘redundancy’ and so on.. VDD, area/power budget, corner specs … Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Get numbers Signal range (Vin) = 300mV Sampling rate (Fs) = 40GS/s Bandwidth (Fb) ~= 20GHz Number of bits (Nbit) = 8 Effect number of bits (ENOB) ~= 6 The first thing you should do after getting the spec item is Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Negotiate Signal range (Vin) = 300mV Sampling rate (Fs) = 40GS/s 10GS/s Bandwidth (Fb) ~= 20GHz 10GHz Number of bits (Nbit) = 8 6 Effect number of bits (ENOB) ~= 8 4 Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
They’ll do the same thing Signal range (Vin) = 300mV Sampling rate (Fs) = 40GS/s 10GS/s Bandwidth (Fb) ~= 20GHz 10GHz Number of bits (Nbit) = 8 6 8 9 Effect number of bits (ENOB) ~= 8 4 6 Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Architect System-level decisions Differential vs. single ended Flash, pipeline, SAR, oversampling SAR is very popular these days.. (for 10MS/s~40GS/s, 8bit to 12bits) Calibration Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Keep architecting Time interleaving, pipelining, oversampling Many combinations of these stuff; find a new one and write a paper Synchronous SAR/asynchronous SAR External clocked vs. self-timed Very debatable issue For synchronous, how many cycles will be assigned to the actual sampling? Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Draw high level picture Incorporates all system level decision we’ve made SubADC level picture Frontend 8-way, 9bit, 9.6GS/s TISAR ADC 9:36 DES x 8 9bit to 8bit digital calibration Sample and hold Comparator Async clock gen. Cap DAC Cap Drv SAR FSM Output retimer Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Move to circuit level Sampling frontend, capdac, comparator, cap drivers are main concerns Other blocks are mostly custom-digital Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Sampling frontend Capacitor Switch Check BW, noise, nonlinearity KT/C noise, input noise Depends on how many ‘bits’ you assigned for noise Switch Simple NMOS switch is good for small Vin (may lead to higher C) Higher VDD / bootstrapping / bottom plate sampling are used for >8bits Check BW, noise, nonlinearity BW: AC (actually should run tran sim) Noise: noise or PSS Nonlinearity: measure DC resistance, run tran sim with sine waves and do FFT Pick C for noise, pick R for BW/lin., pick buffer sizes for driving ‘R’ (Trf matters) Signal buffer Clock buffer Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
CapDAC MOM capacitor (high density, low variation) Do not use M1/M2/M3 (high ground parasitic) Maybe okay if you can calibrate gain Dummy block layer need Parasitic extraction is a must >2fF is pretty reliable Top plate or bottom plate? Do you have a ‘reference’ with current driving capability? Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Cap driver Basically inverter or transmission gate or single mos gate You need to think about the reference stuff Make sure settling time is small enough (otherwise nonlinear distortion) Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Comparator StrongArm – high max. freq Double tail – low noise (may lead to low power) Differences are not ‘very’ significant Check clock-q, input-referred noise Clock-q: put a very small input (less than LSB/2) and run tran-sim Hysteresis effect Input-referred noise: Run transim with input voltage sweep. Check error-rate Most comparators have a limited input range!! Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
SAR Logic Asynchronous SAR requires internal clock generator Your fT is very high (>> 100GHz), so shouldn’t be a big problem Stitching standard cells is actually a good idea Don’t forget to add tap cells Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Verify INL/DNL Sweep Vin @ DC, measure the output code, calculate INL/DNL ENOB Coherent sampling or windowing Run many cycles (>2^n_bits) to get a good quantization noise distributions Use MATLAB to do FFT Sweep freq to low freq to fs/2 It will take a long time Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Agenda My ADC story Layout in <28nm Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Layout in 28nm Unidirectional poly More restricted routing rules you can’t rotate your layout No poly routing More restricted routing rules Better to stick with some constant routing grids Strict minimum area rules, allow some metal traces per layer Bending metal is hard My suggestion is M1 for vertical, M2 for horizontal, M3 for vertical, and so on Taps are not integrated in standard cells Electromigration and IR drop One suggestion: avoid the use of very large width per finger (~400nm is okay) to limit current density/finger Maybe it’s not a big problem for low power circuits? Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Layout in 28nm FDSOI I have zero experience on SOI process I’ve heard those things, Digital cells are very fast For analog devices, you may want to do body biasing, which slows down your device and is associated complex design rules Still some hysteresis effects on VT? Need to double check Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Template and grid based layout Adopted to Berkeley Analog Generator for 16nm layout generation to abstract extremely complex design rules Place(‘nmos’, [0,0]) Route(M2, ‘pmos0’, D[0,0], ‘pmos1’, D[0,0]) *freePDK45 used Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Template and grid based layout Then the layout generation becomes place and route of cells If you are interested, we can work together in summer We can play a similar trick in manual flow Serializer generation Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
1. Define placement and route grid Half of contacted-poly-pitch and/or minimum route pitch of mid-layer metals (eg. M4) is a good number for grid resolution Make sizes of your primitive cells (MOS, TAP, RES) to be multiples of the grid resolution Then the layout becomes placement and route of devices on grid Inverter layout in 2 mins Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
2. Make your custom palette Make a layout view called ‘PALETTE’, put all your devices, vias, routes on grid When you make a new layout, copy the view and start from it Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
3. Load helper functions Copy ~jdhan/jdskill to your cadence directory In virtuoso window, type load “jdskill/” This gives bunch of magic functions and maps them to shortcuts Shift + : move selected obj by ‘rw’ Ctrl + c : copy the select obj at the same location Ctrl + (rect) : increase size in specified direction by ‘rw’ Alt + (rect) : decrease size in specified direction by ‘rw’ Ctrl + (mosaic) : increase/decrease row/col by 1 Ctrl + v, type rw=XX, press enter : set rw Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
4. Use helper functions If you use helper functions properly with a proper value of rw, you don’t need to be bothered by DRC and fine physical grids You can do a similar thing by setting snap spacing in Options->Display The helper functions are documented well In Korean, sorry! (made in 2009) Run jdskill/showlist and use google translate Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members
Demo) differential input stage This really helped me to finish stuff on time… Do Not Distribute: Prepublication Materials & Access Restricted to BWRC Members