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Presentation transcript:


European Qualifications Framework (EQF) EQF is an attempt to compare national educational qualifications from different countries. The European Parliament and the European Commission approved the EQF as a reference on April 23, 2008. Eight qualification levels defined in the EQF, which are described in terms of the fact that the educated person knows, understands and is able to do, regardless of the system in which the qualification was obtained Qualifications frameworks - are the basis for comparison and recognition of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, competence) in different countries. Levels do not have names. Each level is defined by three "descriptors": knowledge, skills and competence.

Learning outcomes of the third cycle in the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Knowledge at the most advanced frontier of a field of work or study and at the interface between fields Skills. The most advanced and specialized skills and techniques, including synthesis and evaluation, required to solve critical problems in research and/or innovation and to extend and redefine existing knowledge or professional practice Competence: Demonstrate substantial authority, innovation, autonomy, scholarly and professional integrity and sustained commitment to the development of new ideas or processes at the forefront of work or study contexts including research

Third cycle: Doctoral Education Berlin Communique – 2003. Doctoral education as third cycle was formally introduced to the Bologna process by Ministers meeting in Berlin in 2003 and has since become an increasing priority. Bergen Communique – 2005. With the Bergen Communique of 2005, Ministers stressed the importance of research and research training and recognized the need to improve synergies between higher education and research.

Three cycles system of HE in the Qualification Frameworks Framework of Qualifications for the European Higher Education Area (QF EHEA) – Bologna Framework First cycle qualification – Bachelor’s level – 180-240 ECTS credits level 6 Second cycle qualification – Master’s level – 90-120 ECTS credits level 7 Third level qualification – PhD – Not specified level 8 European Qualifications Framework Associate degree - Short cycle EQF level 5 Bachelor’s degree – First cycle EQF level 6 Master’s degree – Second cycle EQF level 7 Doctorate degree – Third cycle EQF level 8

The Swedish System for Higher Education First cycle - Bachelor degree – 3 years 180 ECTS Second cycle – Master’s degree – 2 years 120 ECTS Third cycle – PhD (doctorate) – 4 years 240 ECTS

National law and regulations; The Higher Education Ordinance, main features Degree of Doctor, 240 ECTS Thesis work: at least 120/60 ECTS Rate of study: at least 50 % of full time The whole time period of the doctoral education has to be fully financed for each doctoral candidate Each doctoral candidate must have at least two supervisors

National law and regulations; The Higher Education Ordinance, main features System of qualifications; general qualitative targets with intended outcomes: knowledge and understanding, competence and skills, and judgement and approach as outlined in the Qualification ordinance All study programmes have a general study syllabus; the main content of the study programme, specific entry requirements and any other regulations required

National law and regulations; The Higher Education Ordinance, main features An individual study plan shall be drawn up for each doctoral candidate undertakings of the doctoral candidate and the HEI timetable for the doctoral candidate´s progression adopted after consultation with the doctoral candidate and his or her supervisors reviewed regularly

National law and regulations; The Higher Education Ordinance, main features Examination of thesis An approved doctoral thesis is required for the award of the doctoral degree The doctoral thesis shall be presented and defended orally in public A faculty examiner (opponent) shall be appointed for this presentation At least one of those participating in the grading of a doctoral thesis shall be someone who does not have a post at the HEI awarding the degree.

A new system for quality assurance The Swedish University Chancellor has proposed a future quality assurance system to evaluate higher education in Sweden that includes the third cycle. It was presented to the Government in 2014, referred for consultation during 2015 and decided by the Parliament early 2016. The new evaluation system is anticipated to be implemented in 2017 by the Swedish Higher Education Authority in a way that meets the European Standards and Guidelines.

National model for evaluation of doctoral education The Swedish Higher Education Authority has proposed a new model for evaluation of doctoral education. The evaluation will contain three main components: - doctoral candidates’ achievement of learning outcomes - breadth and quality of research linked to the educational environment - internal quality work of the HEI in question.

National model for evaluation of doctoral education The evaluation will be based on a) self-evaluations, b) general study syllabi and a collection of individual study plans, and c) interviews. The evaluation will result in a two-grade assessment. Expert panels will perform the evaluation. The model is right now being adjusted after the completion of the pilot round. The regular six-year cycle of evaluations is planned to commence in January 2017 for a third of the doctoral programmes.

Swedish doctoral education in numbers More than 60 % of the doctoral candidates carry out their studies full time Around 60 % of the doctoral candidates are employees of the university More than 70 % of the theses are compilation theses More than 80 % of the theses are in English Around 50 % of the PhDs are employed outside the academia after graduation

Malmo University Founded in 1998 24 000 students 1 800 staff Turnover 150 million € Located in the Öresund region which has a population of 3.5 million Five interdisciplinary faculties With a population of 320 000 Multicultural with 170 nationalities

Vision and Mission – strategy 2020 Vision: Malmo University Vision and Mission – strategy 2020 Vision: A world where diversity, knowledge and creativity are transformed into action for a sustainable society Mission: Education and research for a sustainable society

Malmo University Students 24 000 students 2/3 of our students are female 1/3 have a non-Swedish background Average age of 23 years The great majority find employment in their field of study after graduation 85 full professors 225 doctoral candidates  

Malmo University Programmes in English Bachelor’s programmes in English – 7 Master’s programmes in English – 8 PhD programmes - 16 Student and faculty exchange 634 exchange agreements with 217 institutions on all continents

Malmo University Established in 1998 of new and old parts Experience of doctoral education since the 1940’s Rights to award doctoral degrees in medicine, but other doctoral candidates were formally affiliated to another university A reform in 2010 made it possible for HEIs to apply for awarding doctoral degrees in a research area that the applicant suggested to The Swedish Higher Education Authority

Malmo University: application for awarding doctoral degrees CONTENTS: Definition of the research area How the university ensures good conditions for knowledge development among the doctoral candidates Supervisor capacity Quality assurance Economy

The third cycle at Malmo University – supporting organizational bodies A standing committee for doctoral education Vice-Chancellor´s advisory group Co-ordinates quality work Centre for Teaching and Learning Supervisor training Courses relating to the generic learning outcomes Language editing group Doctoral Student Union Malmö Office of Education and Research Support: - Arrangements of alumni activities

The third cycle at Malmo University – Key documents Policy for doctoral education Admission regulations Local qualification ordinance General study syllabi A form for the individual study plan Study handbook for each faculty

The third cycle at Malmo University – Quality work Internal evaluation: Started in 2013- Based on self-evaluations, hearings and statistics Report with recommendations Action plans Follow-up + 1 year Reports are presented at the website for the evaluation

Courses for supervisors at Malmo University Courses for supervisors are mandatory! All (principal) supervisors at Malmö University must pass the course for doctoral supervisors Even supervisors with long experience of supervising doctoral students, must pass the course Requirements for entry Participants must have a doctoral degree (or equivalent) and be employed at Malmö University At least one publication after the doctoral exam One year experience of supervision at advanced level

A six day course structure - Lectures, seminars and reflective sessions Day 1-2: Brief history of doctoral education in Sweden and at Malmö University. Discussion of objectives for the degree and how to reach them. Reflections on experiences of supervison. Day 3: The legal regulations Day 4: The relation supervisor – PhD student Day 5: The Individual Study Plan. Career planning. The doctoral students´perspective Day 6: Presentations and reflections of individual papers

Overall aims To improve the doctoral education by developing a professional supervision from the perspectives of supervisors/teachers and the doctoral student To provide new or prospective doctoral supervisors with the means and opportunity to critically reflect on their supervision of research in order to improve it. Quality assurance Degree of Doctor A Degree of Doctor is awarded after the third-cycle student has completed a study programme of 240 credits in a subject in which third-cycle teaching is offered.

Conclusions for promoting capacity building and quality Assign doctoral education a distinct position in the HEI research and education strategy Bring together doctoral education and research of high quality Consider the concept and importance of critical mass Make use of the doctoral candidates’ view-points in the continuous quality work Establish a robust system of quality assurance Allocate adequate funding

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