After the Mandates: Massachusetts Employers Continue to Support Health Reform As More Firms Offer Coverage Jon R. Gabel Heidi Whitmore Jeremy Pickreign Will Selheim Shova KC Valerie Bassett
Study Data and Methods Robert Wood Johnson Foundation/NORC survey of Massachusetts employers in Spring 2007 and 2008 Public and private firms in Massachusetts with three or more workers Firms randomly chosen from Dun and Bradstreet Sample sizes 2007 – 1,052 firms 2008 – 1,003 firms Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research and Educational Trust Employer Health Benefits Surveys, 2007 and 2008, provides national comparison group 2007 – 1,997 firms 2008 – 1,927 firms Questionnaires are highly similar but not identical. Use of statistical weights Employer weights Employee weights
Exhibit 1 “Overall the Massachusetts Health Care Reform Plan Has Been Good for Massachusetts,” responses by firm size 2008 * Firm size category is statistically different from other size firms at .05 level Source: RWJF/NORC/BCBSF of MA Survey of Massachusetts Employers: 2008
Conclusions Support for health care reform in the employer community continues. A majority of firms support the “Fair Share” requirement and applying these requirements to firms with 10 or fewer works. Where is the crowd-out?
Lessons Learned Employer participation in the authorizing legislation was critical in the employer community’s acceptance of reform. Individual mandate mitigates “crowd-out.”