Department of Biological Science Florida State University APPLICATION FOR UNDERGRADUATE BIOLOGY EMPLOYMENT WITH BSC1005 and BSC1005L (General Biology for non-majors courses) Department of Biological Science Florida State University Name:___________________________________ FSUID:_____________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________ Phone #:_______________________________ Career/Education plans:___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Expected date of graduation:_______________________________________________________________ Semester(s) you are available: Fall __________ Spring ___________ Both __________ OTHER NEEDED INFORMATION: Attach a paragraph addressing what you hope to get out of the position and how it will help you reach your career or educational goals. This application requires one character reference from someone you have worked with academically or professionally (e.g. Professor, Teaching Assistant, Employer) that describes how you are a good candidate for the position(s) for which you are applying. Send us a copy of your academic record. Go to>my academics>view my advisement report>click on view report as pdf>copy this for us. SEND ALL DOCUMENTS TO: by Friday, February 26 at 5:00pm. Note: To simplify the application process administratively, complete only one undergraduate biology teaching application; choose to apply to teach either biology non-majors or biology majors. Refer to detailed job descriptions to assist. Applying for both non-majors and majors positions will invalidate your application. Remember to change 4 places Prioritize your employment request for non-majors courses: _____ Teaching Assistant (Tutor) for BSC1005, General Biology for Non-Majors Lecture Course _____ Lab Teaching Assistant for BSC1005L, General Biology for Non-Majors Lab Course _____ General Lab Tech, Support Staff for BSC1005 and BSC1005L, General Biology for Non Majors Courses Complete the following regarding coursework and GPA: Biology courses scheduled to take this summer: GPA (overall): __________ Biology GPA: __________ Biology courses scheduled to take this fall: (includes math, chemistry and physics) FSU Biology Hours (just Biology hours) Completed: __________