Carla Distefano Status of gSeaGen code Neutrino Generators phone conference, 25 July 2017
Propagation mode in gSeaGen Propagation mode already implemented but it didn’t produce events at the can Bud fixed (just a technical problem in calling a ROOT library) We have first results! Running code committed in the SVN (dev version) Use –p option to activate the propagation mode (see the on-line help) N.B. ντ regeneration no yet implemented
Propagation mode Same procedure followed in the standard mode but: The interaction volume is now coincident with the Earth Generation surface: RT large enough to cover the can RL greater than the Earth No PEarth in the Generation Weight: can
Interaction volume Layer Composition Rmin (km) Rmax (km) Density (g/cm3) 1 Core 500 13.07 2 1000 12.97 3 1221.5 12.82 4 2000 11.94 5 2500 11.44 6 3000 10.91 7 3480 10.27 8 Mantle 4000 5.44 9 4500 5.18 10 5000 4.92 11 5500 4.65 12 5701 4.44 13 5771 3.98 14 5971 3.85 15 6151 3.49 16 6346.6 3.37 17 6356 2.9 18 Rock 6368 2.65 19 SeaWater 6370.48 1.040 Interaction volume: the whole Earth made by a sequence of layers. Each layer is characterized by a composition and a (constant) density. PREM model is used to compute the densities. Layer size is 500 km but taking into account density discontinuities in the PREM model. PREM LAYERS
Reference flux: 1/(GeV m2 s sr) First results Generated events: νe in CC (other cases to be checked) Energy range: 1 GeV – 5 TeV Theta range: 1 – 180 deg Can: -117.2 139.5 205.402 Reference flux: 1/(GeV m2 s sr) (i.e. wevent=w2/Ngen) Default mode (no propagation): Ngen = 1e6 (only 1 run) Nevt = 8863 Weighed: 4.96612e+10 Approximate processing time/event: 0.25 ms Approximate total processing time: 242.11 s Propagation mode: Ngen = 9.96e10 (996 runs * 1e8) Nevt = 3249 (3-5 events per run) Weighed: 5.09801e+10 Approximate total processing time: 7 hours/run
Other planned checks Ratio: Check the other channels (νe in NC, other flavours): just to be sure! Energy range: 1 GeV – 5 TeV Theta range: 1 – 180 deg Check the effect of Earth absorption Energy range: 1 – 5 TeV Theta range: only up-going events Ratio: Events generated with the default mode (no propagation) and weighed with and without the PEarth
Problems Propagation mode is very slow because of the large number of events to be simulated - try to optimize the code In some runs, GENIE gave problems (people reported me similar problems in the mass production): - 5 runs enter in an infinite loop: check if event generation takes more than 1 min, if yes the event generation is stopped, the event is rejected and a new event is simulated (implemented! dev version in SVN) - 4 runs still missing (under check) - 1 run gives a segmentation fault - 2 runs exceeded the CPU time limit (30 hours) - 1 run didn’t produce outputs, interrupted but no problems reported in the log files