Urinary System Courtney House
The kidneys are located above the waist and towards the back Kidneys are an very important and have many functions, of these they include producing urine. The kidneys are located above the waist and towards the back
The urinary system has to maintain homeostasis, to function correctly an example of this is when a person drinks a lot of water the more they urinate more often.
When people drink fluid is goes through different areas on the way to the ureters, this is how it travels. Cortex > Medulla > Hilum
The Glomerulus is where blood filters out of urine it is a group of capillaries’. This is a place in the urinary system you would actually find blood.
During filtration most of the water glucose and vitamins, are reabsorbed back into the blood.
Peristalsis which is an infection most often occurs in the Ureters
On the inside lining of an empty bladder you would see Rugae, which is the folding or wrinkling on the inside of an organ wall.
Another word for urinate is to void.
The Urethra in the male, is used in both the urinary and reproductive systems.
What can most always be found in Urine is an component called Uric Acid And the last structure urine passes through when you void is the urinary meatus.
Suppose a person fell and hit a hard object to their lower abdomen, this person would experience Hematuria. Hematuria is when there is blood in the urine. Pyruia, dysuria, and fever are symptoms of Cytitis, which is when your urinary system has microbs in the urine, AKA UTI
How come women experience UTI (cytitis) more often then men, well this is because the length of the urethra.
If a patient has a hypersensitive reaction to a medication the could produce acute renal failure, was rushed to the hospital and received hemodialysis, their prognosis would be good.
To remove renal calculi (growth in the kidneys) they use a procedure called lithotripsy. The only condition in the urinary system that is urgent and has to have a kidney transplant is kidney failure.
If someone is not ill and drinks a lot of a substance the experience Polyuria, which is a excess or large amount of urine. Hemodialysis which occurred when our earlier patient had renal failure, removes waste products from the blood.