We’ve been working very hard this month & also having Dear Parents, We’ve been working very hard this month & also having so much fun in class 5M. Here is what we’ve been up to! In January, we were working on... Math Go-Math Chapters 5 & 6 Dividing Decimals & Adding/Subtracting Fractions ELA Literary Analysis Book Clubs & Discussion (Crash, Bridge to Terabithia, Because of Winn Dixie, The Tiger Rising) Writing Workshop Drafting, Revising, Editing, Peer Revising/Editing, & Publishing Literary Essays Social Studies Geography in the Western Hemisphere Introduction to Government Science Human Body Systems – Web-quests on the Digestive & System & Urinary System Growth Mindset Perseverance & Passion for Long Term Goals 5th Grade Parent Meeting February 13th at 7:00 P.M. Winter Recess Begins February 18th Students Return to School Monday, February 27th Glance at the Month Ahead In Reading Workshop, we will be beginning Testing as Genre In Writing Workshop, we will be presenting our Literary Essays & Beginning Poetry In Math, we will be starting Chapter 7 of Go-Math – Multiplying Fractions In Science, we will be learning about Stars & Galaxies In Social Studies, we will be learning about Government & Black History Please encourage your child to read for at least 30 minutes each night & complete their Reading Response each week. Reading Responses are due every Friday and can either be handwritten or submitted on Google Classroom. Please stress the importance of completing homework each night & studying for upcoming tests. Enjoy the February Break! Fondly, Mrs. Maywald