Georgia Department of Agriculture


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Presentation transcript:

Georgia Department of Agriculture All-Hazard Response: Utilizing the RRT in a Foreign Animal Disease Response Brandon Sauceda, MPH RRT Coordinator Georgia Department of Agriculture February 2, 2016 11:00am

High Pathogenic Avian Influenza 21 states with AI—231 premises


Georgia Poultry Statistics $28 billion to the state economy Largest segment of Georgia Agriculture: Poultry is 48% of ag economic sector (65%) #1 in the U.S. & #7 in the world for broiler production

Foreign Animal Disease Response Requirements Incident Management Operations Incident Command Resource Management Biosecurity Surveillance & Epidemiology Public Information Cleaning and Disinfection Disposal Depopulation Vaccination Quarantine and Movement Control

Response preparations Weekly HPAI planning meetings with state and federal staff Validating participants for IMT: partnership with Georgia Forestry Commission GEMA Executive Briefing: WebEOC dashboard created regarding HPAI ESF 11 Support Agency Briefing Partnership with industry: “All in, All Gone” media campaign Just as the integrated food safety system says. A true multi-agency and integrated team is necessary. Noted: many of the same partners from the RRT, and those that are new or from different programs of an agency we already had contacts from RRT to make those connections.

Public Information & Risk Communication Relevant, Timely, Accurate The first step in prevention Virtual Joint Information Center established GDA HPAI Hotline & Call-Center established Biosecurity messaging to public & industry Messaging to partners and officials An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Same as in food safety, must communicate risk and preventive measures. This is where it begins to cross over in the other standards as well.

PIO/Risk Communications JIC Established: PIO Manual, FAQ, Biosecurity Pamphlet: 5 languages Call Center Preparations: Hotline developed & Call Center Training Chicken is safe to eat!!! Website Economic message as well. Be mindful of a public health vs economic decision making. The world we live in we must be mindful of all of our surroundings and unfortunately sometimes includes politics.

Excellent way to get your point across Excellent way to get your point across. Lesson learned for food safety and public health communication. Example is CDC using the zombie outbreak for emergency prepardness.

4 branches 7 groups 30+ strike teams / task forces with 1-6 people each + resources

Lessons Learned Using ICS Planning P E I-Suite Software Pre-Fill as much as possible! Planning P Timeline ICS 230 (Daily Meeting Schedule) Meeting Agendas

Our RRT has been trained in ICS and have completed the all-hazards IMT training, which puts us on the path to become a typed federal resource.

E I-Suite Uses Auto Generates ICS Forms and IAP 202 Objectives 203 Assignment List 204 Group Assignments 205 Comm Plan 206 Med Plan Attach More Electronic Check-in & Checkout Process ICS 211 & 221 Library of Resources Resource Management Travel Requests (for demob) Checkout plan & form E is the enterprise version.

Lessons Learned Managing a Large Incident Resources Remote Check-In & Check-Out Maintaining Situational Awareness SitRep ICS 214s We can create a good plan but if we cant execute it, manage our resources, and gather information to improve it; the plan will fail

Resource Needs Each house in MN our team worked required about 10,000 gallons of water or a large tanker truck. Foam, PPE (and trained), food, biosecurity equip, etc. Personel!!!

How do we check many people in How do we check many people in? Applies to food emergencies when we may be out in different places (ie a natural disaster). Created a plan for mobile check-in.

Final Thoughts Plans, Finance/Admin, Logs all need PUSH PACKS to perform response activities, just as vital as Ops Push Packs/Go Kits Documentation and Accountability begins Day 1! No Cost Contracts: Nothing is free. Get it in writing! Cost Spreadsheet for ALL equipment Documentation/accountability – especially for us in public health. Document everything who you talked to during that inspection what information you learned. It helps cover you.

Thank You Brandon Sauceda, MPH RRT Coordinator Georgia Department of Agriculture 404-656-3621