Weekly Wednesday Webinar 08.03.2016
AIR Help Desk Zac Sweeney
Weekly Wednesday Webinar July 27, 2016 NAEP Update Weekly Wednesday Webinar July 27, 2016
Principal and School Coordinator Changes Send contact information updates to Vickie Baker as they become available
Hiring Field Staff Westat—administrator of NAEP assessment Need to hire 12 assessment team leaders Need to hire 52 assessment team members McDowell, Mercer, and Wyoming team is complete. Openings in all other teams.
Flyer is located on One Drive for Business in Vickie Baker’s “Shared with Everyone” in NAEP 2017 folder. or Email Vickie Baker for a copy.
Applications must be submitted through the westat careers website Potential applicants can contact Paul Armstrong, NAEP field manager. He will walk individuals through the application process paularmstrong@naepmail.westat.com Applications must be submitted through the westat careers website https://www.westat.com/careers/
General Summative
CTC Meeting November 29-30, 2016 Embassy Suites Reservations November 29-30, 2016 Embassy Suites Reservations 304-347-8700 or 1-800-embassy Ask for reservations DTC - Three letter code for reservations Provide credit card number to hold room November 2nd midnight Deadline to receive the rate DTCs are required to attend both days Special Education Directors only need to attend on November 30, 2016 Technology Coordinators are not required
Secure Browser SecureBrowser 9.0 Posted to portal The uninstall and replace for secure browsers running on Windows, OS X, and Linux Can push out and image Secure Browser Installation Manual Emailed and posted on portal
Unscored Reports Please let us know if scores are not in ORS June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Reporting Dates Date Activity 07.20.2016 Districts may start printing reports 08.08.2016 Student Reports distributed at start of school year 08.10.2016* Embargo on data removed at 4:00 PM* 09.23.2016 Timely Release of Reports due to District 09.30.2016 Timely Release of Reports due to WVDE *Additional information regarding embargo will be emailed Friday afternoon.
Printing of Reports Emailed Tuesday Letter to parents/guardians from State Superintendent Interpretive guide for parents/guardians how to read the individual student report General Summative Assessment informational sheet Frequent Asked Questions document Timely Release of Reports
Earliest data spreadsheet resent with statewide data Compiling Data August 15 Earliest data spreadsheet resent with statewide data June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Compiling Data 2015 2016 June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Compiling Data Home-Instructed Students Included in N-counts for ORS N-counts (number of students) June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Returning Materials Please return Missing Materials ASAP Let WVDE know if Unaccounted for Test Books Unaccounted for Scripts June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Promotions in WVEIS Nightly File for 2016-17 will process on August 6 Student Data Nightly File for 2016-17 will process on August 6 June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
System Downtime July August TIDE TDS Practice Tests TDS Interims ORS H H M 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TIDE TDS Practice Tests TDS Interims ORS
System Downtime July August H M 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TIDE * * TDS Practice Tests TDS Interims ORS *Limited functionality - no changes to the student records (student tab won't be present). Student records will be represented per the last student file sent for the 15-16 school year. Rostering will be functional during this time for 15-16 school year.
* Guest login only from 7/26 - 8/15 System Downtime July August H M 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TIDE TDS Practice Tests * * TDS Interims ORS * Guest login only from 7/26 - 8/15
* Rostering for 2016-17 may start System Downtime July August H M 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TIDE TDS Practice Tests TDS Interims ORS * * Rostering for 2016-17 may start
Institutions Institution File List of schools in your district loaded to TIDE Ask you to review and confirm correctness, deletions or additions Only schools in which students are assigned as a home school Email for confirmation WED, THURSDAY or FRIDAY June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Sample Report Standard Error of Measure Scale Scores HOSS and LOSS Writing Rubric
Definitions Summative Test Interim Test WVGSA West Virginia General Summative Assessment WVASA West Virginia Alternate Summative Assessment Given in the spring Interim Test ICA - Interim Comprehensive Assessment Mirrors WVGSA IAB - Interim Assessment Block Smaller tests with specific targets tested June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Definitions TIDE - Test Information Distribution Engine Used to manage users, students and rosters Revamped for 2017 Manage testing TDS - Test Distribution System Used to administer tests ORS - Online Reporting System View and print student reports June scheduling – shipping, reports; expedited shipping
Next WWW August 10, 2016