The following is a sample list of questions and topics aimed at prompting candidate self identification and behavioral indicators. Describe your preferred professional strengths. How have you developed, and applied them? Have you identified professional deficiencies or areas that need improvement in the past? How have you addressed them? What has been your favorite professional role, and what role did your boss play in making it enjoyable? What have you done in your present/last position to increase your organization’s top-line revenues? What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial to organizational success? How many hours a week do you find necessary to work in order to get your job done? What does growth mean to you? How have reinvented, enhanced your job/role in the organization? What is more attractive to you about our organization, specifically compared to others? How important is company culture to you? How do you cope with stress and how do you wish to be supported by your workplace? Describe and evaluate how you have been trained for roles in the past? Ask the candidate to evaluate him/herself on 6 job related competencies on a scale of 1 to 5? Then why for each (with examples)