Comprehensive Program Review May 29, 2015 BROOKE HOUSE Comprehensive Program Review May 29, 2015
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS Staff: the overall comradery, team approach, etc. Multiple completions by some genuine Returning Citizens Multiple visits from the FSU (Field Supervision Unit) team with the drug sniffing dog with no contraband found Finally, there are several residents who bring smiles to everyone’s faces and are genuine, pleasant, “kind”, etc.. Presentation at the SCSD (Suffolk County Sheriff’s Department) training!
CHALLENGES ACA Accreditation Community Resources: Resident Population: Lack of suitable housing Limited options for Latino residents Wait time for MassHealth and medication Resident Population: K-2 use is increasing Not having enough time to work with residents due to their length of stay Increase in mental health issues Finding appropriate staff Utilization Lack of options for Latino residents – community resources –especially mental health, employment services and recovery are very limited in Boston Wait time – approx. 45 days; limited stay – not taking full advantage of EPICS and/or case management
STAFFING Staff Turnover Rates Staff Retention Rates Staff Training Hours
STAFF TURNOVER RATE ( October 2014 – March 2015) The turnover rate for Brooke House is 21.1% compared to 30.9% for SJS Last CPR, the turnover rate for Brooke House was 35% compared to 38.2% for SJS Data obtained from HR Turnover Report
STAFF RETENTION RATE (October 2014 – March 2015) The retention rate for Brooke House is 81.3% compared to 65.7% for SJS Last CPR, the retention rate for Brooke House was 63.2% compared to 58.8% for SJS Data obtained from HR Turnover Report
STAFF TRAINING (October 2014 – March 2015) Total number of training hours = 397.5 (This is a 38% increase from last CPR); Average of 4.4 training hours per staff per month; 26.4 per staff over six months Last CPR Total of 286.75 training hours; Average of 3.2 training hours per staff per month; 19.2 per staff over six months Data obtained from MMRs & HR Training Reports
PROGRAMMING Utilization Successful Completions Completion with: Employment Permanent Housing
UTILIZATION (October 2014 – March 2015) The average client per month is 37.2 (This is a 4% increase from last CPR) Last CPR, Brooke House averaged 35.7 clients Data obtained from MMRs & Utilization Reports
UTILIZATION (based on capacity, contractual beds and budgeted beds) (October 2014 – March 2015) Utilization rate for the above six months was 57.15% (based on 65 bed capacity Utilization rate = 74.3% (50 contracted beds) and 84.4% (44 budgeted beds) for the above six months Last CPR: Utilization rate for the above six months was 54.92% (based on 65 bed capacity; Utilization rate = 71.4% (50 contracted beds) and 80.9% (44 budgeted beds) for the above six months Data obtained from MMRs & Utilization Reports
PROGRAM COMPLETION (October 2014-March 2015) Average of 54.16% of clients completed with employment. Last CPR = 48.4% (This is a 11% increase) Average of 74.67% of clients completed with permanent housing. Last CPR = 79.8% (This is a 9% decrease) Average of 74.85% of clients successfully completed the program. Last CPR = 85.9% (This is a 8.7% decrease) Data obtained from MMRs Data obtained from MMRs
CLIENT RELATED Clinical Hours Walk-Aways Contraband Medication
CLINICAL HOURS (October 2014-March 2015) Total Hours: 4,173; last CPR = 4,617 (This is a 9% decrease ) Total Life Skills Hours: 2,649; last CPR = 2,992 (This is a 8.8% decrease) Total Cognitive-Behavioral Hours: 1,524; last CPR = 1,625 (This is a 9% decrease ) Average Total Hours per client/month: 17.9; last CPR = 20.3 Average Life Skills Hours per client/month: 11.5; last CPR was 13.4 hours. Average Cognitive-Behavioral Hours per client/month: 6.4; last CPR was 6.9 hours. Data obtained from MMRs
WALK-AWAYS (October 2014 – March 2015) Month Brooke SCSD DOC Parole Norfolk October November 1 December January February March TOTAL Last CPR, (November 2014 – April 2014), 0 walk-aways Data obtained from MMRs
MEDICATION INCIDENTS & OCCURRENCES (October 2014 – March 2015) NO MEDICATION INCIDENTS FOR THE ABOVE TIME FRAME * Last CPR, 0 medication incidents over that time period * = SQA medication audits via SecurManage differs from the MMR data reported Data obtained from MMRs
KEY MMR RESULTS (October 2014 – March 2015) Average of 74.85% of clients successfully completed the program. Last CPR = 85.9% 98.05% negative drug tests; last CPR = 99.7% A total of 22 contraband items found (decrease of 12%); last CPR = 25 Zero community service hours completed; last CPR = 60 community service hours
SQA AUDITS POSITIVES Case Files – well-organized; Treatment Plans and CRJ Intakes conducted within first 72 hours; using the new PREA and Medical Screening forms Walk-Throughs: facility is well-maintained, the dining room area freshly re-painted and exterior of building maintained AREAS IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT The Medication Incidents reported on MMRs differ from the SQA medication audits
CLIENT SATISFACTION SURVEY January 2015 22/38 or 58% completion rate
CPR ACTION PLAN (last CPR) ISSUE: Need to promote the good work done at Brooke House COMMENTS: Write articles for newsletter and/or Blurber on BH successes IMPROVEMENTS MADE: No improvement made on highlighting success stories or anything at Brooke, will become the responsibility of the new APD. ISSUE: Continue to conduct presentations at DOC, Boston Pre-release and Suffolk to increase overall utilization. COMMENTS: Last CPR, the utilization rate is 54.9% (based on 65 bed capacity); BH average 35.7clients per month. IMPROVEMENTS MADE: The utilization rate is 57.15% (based on 65 bed capacity); BH average 37.1 clients per month. ISSUE: Increase Life Skills Hours for residents COMMENTS: Last CPR, the average Life Skills (13.4) and Cognitive Behavioral hours (6.9) totaled 20.3 IMPROVEMENTS MADE: Current CPR, the average Life Skills (11.5) and Cognitive Behavioral hours (6.4) totaled 17.9 per client. Hours will increase with the hiring a new Life Skills Coordinator by Watson Academy. ISSUE: Increase Staff Training hours - ensure BH staff are completing the required mandatory training for accreditation COMMENTS: Last CPR, 19.2 training hours per staff over six months IMPROVEMENTS MADE: The total training hours per staff = 26.4 BH working to ensure ACA mandatory training are in compliance.