Status of MPO Vocational Schools and Teachers in Bangladesh:NSDP Implementation Perspective By: Md. Enamul Haque and Dr. Md. Shah Alam Majumder Presented By: Md. Enamul Haque Member Secretary Conference Secretariat & Former Programme Coordinator Dissemination Programme on NSDP ( A joint programme of ILO, Dhak & IDEB)
Background The National Skills Development Policy-2011 is a major achievement for Bangladesh. The comprehensive policy will guide the skill development strategies of both public and private sectors and facilitate improved coordination of all parties involved in education and training in Bangladesh. This National Skills Development Policy provides the vision and direction for skills development over the coming years, setting out the major commitments and key reforms that government will be implementing in partnership with industry, workers and civil society.
Background of the study A training programme was designed to disseminate the “National Skills Development Policy-2011”. The plan was total 200 TVET teachers will be covered in training programme. Finally, MPO vocational teachers under DTE, received 2 days long dissemination program for 204 teachers of 10 different trade, organized by IDEB in collaboration with DTE and BTEB with financial support by ILO BSEP Project held in last October to December 2016 All the participants of the mentioned training were the sample size of this survey type study where a structured questionnaire was used to collect primary data.
Background Data There are 2656 MPO vocational schools either individual or attached with general schools or Dhakil Vocational Madrasha in all over Bangladesh. More than 12,000 trade instructors and other related subject teachers are working in teaching learning process with more than Total vocational students are 2,08,420 This Paper is a study report on the condition of MPO vocational schools and teachers in Bangladesh
Division wise sampling
Male Female ratio
Department wise teachers status
Status of the Number of the trade
Idea about NSDP before Training
Industrial experience of the teacher
Status of the pedagogy training of the Vocational teachers.
Duration of the pedagogy training
Teaching Experience of the Vocational Teachers
E-mail using status by the participants:
Infrastructure Status
Infrastructure of Lab /Workshops
Separate Library for vocational Education
Regarding the constraints in VET & Teachers comments
Recommendation from respondent Immediate Action: The responsible government agency should send an office circular to administration, such as DC/UNO/USEO to discuss and aware about NSDP-2011. NSDP dissemination program should constitute for NSDP-2011. A Employment Support Service should be developed for employment of TVET graduate Stipend for students of vocational education should be Launched immediately. Long Term Action: Separate project should be taken by Ministry of Education for competitive Vocational Education. Capacity strengthen of Institute Head and Management committee. Recruitment CBTA certified trainer only Reform traditional assessment and certificating system based on NTVQF.