The law written on the heart Romans 2:15, Hebrews 10:16
God’s moral law – Rom. 2:15 Gentiles “have not the law” (Rom. 2:14) Gentiles “do by nature” the things of the law (Rom. 2:14) Gentiles are “the law unto themselves” (Rom. 2:14)
God’s moral law – Rom. 2:15 Showing the law written on the heart through the continual practicing of things as right or wrong
God’s moral law – Rom. 2:15 Showing the law written on the heart through the continual practicing of things as right or wrong Such moral knowledge is witnessed by the conscience
God’s moral law – Rom. 2:15 Showing the law written on the heart through the continual practicing of things as right or wrong Such moral knowledge is witnessed by the conscience Such moral knowledge revealed through moral reasoning: either accusing or excusing each other
God’s moral law – Rom. 2:15 Showing the law written on the heart through the continual practicing of things as right or wrong Such moral knowledge is witnessed by the conscience Such moral knowledge revealed through moral reasoning: either accusing or excusing each other Example of “murder” (Rom. 1:29)
Knowledge apart from written law… Creation (Rom. 1:20, Psalm 19:1) Everlasting Power Godhead (Divinity) No excuse!
Man’s digression… Failing to act appropriately With knowledge (v.21). Did not glorify Him as God Did not give thanks to God (Acts 14:17)
Man’s digression… Lusts of the hearts lead to unclean use of the body – (v.24) lesbianism, homosexuality (v. 26.27)
Man’s digression… Worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator (v.25).
God Gave Men Up to his own digression… To the lusts of their hearts (v. 24) To the vile passions (v.26) To the Reprobate mind (v.28)
The law of Christ written on our hearts (Heb. 10:16) Jesus accomplished what the Law of Moses could not accomplish: Perfect them that draw nigh (Heb. 10:1) Blood of bulls and goats cannot take away sin (Heb. 10:4, 8) Sanctification through the one time offering of the body of Jesus Christ (Heb. 10:10, 11)
The law of Christ written on our hearts (Heb. 10:16) Holy Spirit is a witness through prophecy of a “new covenant” (Heb. 10;16, Jer. 31:33,34) “perfected for evermore them that are sanctified” (Heb. 10:14) We can be sanctified now by the one time offering of Christ (v.10) Forgiven of sins through the one time offering of Christ (v. 12) Also a holy people who belong to God – His law in their heart governing their life
How is the law written on our hearts God’s laws were written in the hearts of man in two distinct ways: God through creating man in His own image – created man with a moral (right and wrong) perspective. God through the Gospel created hearts of faith and lives governed by the Law of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)
How is the law written on our hearts created man with a moral (right and wrong) perspective. There is a “natural affection” component in man that cries out in the inner man that partial birth abortion is just wrong! corrupted men and women place own convenience or avoiding hardship over life – but inwardly they know better (Rom. 1: 31)
How is the law written on our hearts God through the Gospel created hearts of faith and lives governed by the Law of Christ Example of Paul ( Gal 2:20, I Cor. 9:21, 24-27)
As we teach others the Saving Gospel which will produce faith in the heart of the sinner, understand we are also appealing to a person who is made in the image of God with a moral perspective of right and wrong