Middle School Speech & Debate WELCOME Back to School Ms. Silverio Middle School Speech & Debate Room: 106 2017-18
Meet Your TEACHER Now it’s your turn! Hi! I’m Ms. Silverio Let’s play 2 Truths, 1 Lie The coolest gift I ever bought for my kids was a snake! I have a twin sister. I have family in China. Now it’s your turn!
Contact INFO School Number: 954-442-0233 E-mail: jsilverio@somersetacademy.com
How to Write an Email The easiest way to contact me regarding any questions/concerns in relation to class is via email. However, I will not respond to an informal emails. Please make sure your email establishes professionalism, clarity, and appropriateness. See below: STEPS: 1. Specify your full name, the class period, and assignment in the subject line. 2. Address your teacher formally. 3. Keep your email brief and to-the-point. 4. Use formal language and proper grammar. 5. Send the email and be patient when waiting for a reply. **I will respond within 24 hours**
Speech & Debate -This class will require students to research information, write papers, and speak publicly. We will cover everything from simple nonverbal communication and dictation to speech-making and debates. You will learn skills that will help you become a more effective communicator. Exams: class tests and oral presentations such as Speeches and Debates Quizzes: Cold Reads, Skits, Vocabulary quizzes relating to speeches and debates Classwork: Any activities done in class such as bell ringers, journals, textbook assignments, written speeches, skits, and video reports. Homework: Research papers, written speeches, written skits, and video reports Research-based speeches will count as a quiz or exam grade depending on the complexity of the assignment.
Course Expectations Come to class on time with required materials ready Complete class work and PARTICIPATE!! Be an ACTIVE group member. Ask for help when needed. Respect others and yourselves. Respect school and classroom property Use proper language and classroom etiquette. ALWAYS give 100%!
Daily SCHEDULE New Bell Schedule! New School Hours for the 2017-18 School Year! Elementary: 8:30am - 2:30pm Middle/High: 8:00am - 3:00pm New Bell Schedule!
Classroom RULES Be on time and be prepared with all class materials Follow Directions Be RESPECTFUL Raise your hand and use the correct hand signal to communicate with your teacher during a lesson. – Do not speak when the teacher is speaking. Wait for teacher to dismiss you – NOT the bell. 4. Turn in all your work – neatness counts! No food/drinks/cell phones Work hard!! Do your BEST!!
Cell Phone Policy - I DO NOT allow cell phone usE during class time! I repeat, PHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED! I want your full attention The phone should be completely turned off and in your book bag. For no reason should the cellphone be taken out at any point during class. I don’t even want to be asked!! (See next slide for consequence)
Cell Phone Policy Continued… Your cell phone must be turned off and in your book bag. If I hear or see the phone, it will be CONFISCATED followed by a phone call home. Your parents will be responsible for picking up the cell phone at the end of the day. MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE
Consequences Verbal Warning Parent Contact Detention Parent/Teacher Conference Referral to Administration
How to Enter Room 106 Turn off Cell phone and put in your book bag Calmly enter class Go to your assigned seat, place any unnecessary items under your desk Take out your composition notebook and begin the bell ringer. Sit quietly until given further instructions
Attendance POLICIES -Students will not be allowed into any class without a tardy pass. The teacher will have the door locked even if it is right after the bell rings. -If you are tardy, you must get a pass and you will then be allowed into class with the pass. -Your tardy records will be kept by the school system. As soon as you have a tardy, your parents will be contacted to inform them of the tardy.
Late Work POLICY Absences- All work is expected to be done on time. However, if you miss school for any reason, YOU will be responsible to make up the missed assignment(s). It is the students’ responsibility to ask for all of the missed work. The make-up work should be completed within two days of returning from an absence. If the excused absence involves several days, schedules can be arranged to make up work. Unexcused Late Work- It is imperative that all students exercise responsibility and turn in all assignments on the date that they are due to prevent their grades from dropping drastically.
Late Work POLICY If you are not entitled to receive special accommodations and If you have not been absent, then you must turn your work in on the date it is due. NO extensions will be granted for students who are experiencing issues with internet or printing. There are computers and printers available to you in the media center. Unless you have been absent or are entitled to special accommodations, work not turned in on time will earn a zero (F).
Ways of communicating with your teacher without disrupting the lesson: CLASSROOM SIGNS: Ways of communicating with your teacher without disrupting the lesson:
MS Speech & Debate Grading Policy Regular: Exams 35% Quizzes: 25% CW/Participation: 25% HW: 15%
Cheating POLICY -Cheating and/or plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic grade of zero. This includes copying homework, class work, test answers, talking during a test or quiz, allowing someone to copy your work, and trying to pass off someone else’s work as your own. You are guilty of cheating whenever you present work that you did not do as your own. You are also guilty of cheating if you help someone else to cheat. Any student(s) who is/are discovered cheating will receive a “0” for that assignment and have the work documented in their portfolio(s). Cheating also warrants immediate parent contact. A referral to Guidance may be issued based on the assignment.
School SUPPLIES #2 pencils Lined paper Blue/black pens Correction pen 1 composition notebook 1 file folder 1 pocket folder Flash Drive (may share with other classes) Index cards (note cards)
Teacher WISHLIST Tissue boxes Hand Sanitizer Lysol wipes Ream of paper
Dates to REMEMBER September 4th: LABOR DAY/NO SCHOOL