National Disability Coordination Officer Program
Create presentations , resources, projects, networks. Heading Rayce Coyte – Region 13 Eastern Metro Melbourne Focus : Transitions through Education to Employment Increase knowledge, awareness and build capacity Improve supports and address barriers Improve coordination and collaboration Improve Linkages, Transitions, Participation Create presentations , resources, projects, networks.
Contents Develop a career PLAN Know your Rights Develop a career PLAN From school to further studies and employment Supports in Education and Employment
Learning and working is a RIGHT Means we have a purpose for a happy engaging life The right to learn and work is the same for everyone Educators (schools, TAFE, University) and Employees (business) must offer and give supports A plan for learning and working is so important, knowing what exists and taking action, will assist to make it happen Parents and friends are the main help, to make a work plan succeed
A career plan should start at School Find out about the choices in careers, where to study, and how to get help to find work. Having the “expectation - that anything is possible’ and help should be available and is your right Being aware of talents, abilities, interests and skills, are ways that help make a career plan succeed Start by discussing “life after school” Talk about the future, dream, be limitless in your ideas
Learning and Study Choices Secondary School VCE – Victorian Certificate of Education Link to university studies Career tasters or starters VCAL – Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VET – Vocation Education and training Work Experience/SWL Structured workplace learning SBAT – School Based Apprenticeships and traineeships Stepping into a career and learning on the job Community and volunteer work You can study all you want – theory is not everything You need some practical experience to be most employable
TAFE – Tertiary and Further Education Traditionally Industry and Trade qualification Certificates – Diplomas e.g. (hospitality) Cert III - Chef Apprenticeships (work/study) Carpentry RTO – Registered Training Organisations similar to TAFE offering Industry and Trade qualifications Universities Most higher paid work needs a University qualification like – doctors, nurses, teachers. Then further studies Associate Diplomas allow you to specialise in your chosen career field
Supports for Students with disabilities NDCO – can help with the linking and planning of support services for people with disabilities who attend school, TAFE, University, or are looking for supports to gain employment Transition /Careers Teachers – Assist with Career Plans, VCE, Vet, Work experience Disability Liaison Officers – support services at TAFE and Universities. This may be planning for “reasonable adjustments” such as exams, access, equipment, translators and making links to tutors to provide this support in your studies. Parents - best advocate support you have, talk about your career interests and get them onboard, to make it happen
Disability Employment Services Help prepare for work including finding the right training or study Job search supports – resume writing, interview techniques and actually finding a job Supports when you start a job, including workplace adjustments, flexible work hours, training and supporting the employer to accommodate your needs Ongoing supports when your settling into the job (1 year)
What are Reasonable Adjustments Are the supports that learning services (education/employers) give to people with disabilities to allow them to have the same opportunities to learn or work. Its “discrimination” not to provide the necessary supports that a student requires to learn (Disability Discrimination Act 1992 DDA Education Standards) Disability adjustments differ on how a disability effects learning and can be agreed upon with the education service Examples are Access to classrooms, Note taking, Learning materials in other forms, other ways to take exams, other classroom review tasks (hands on), being given rest breaks in class or during exams, helpful technologies, talk to text, captioning, Auslan interpreters
Making a Complaint School Counsellor/Wellbeing Officer or Principal : If you are being bullied and harassed or not receiving the support or adjustments you require to study at school. Meet and discuss your issues with the principal. Schools cant help you if they don’t know YDAS – Youth Advocacy Disability Service Really good place to start getting support, very “youth” orientated, will provide legal representation if your complaint or issue cant be resolved easily . Disability Services Commission If you are not happy or are being discriminated against by your service provider, you can make a complaint, and will be helped to find a solution. Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission Enquiry line, email or webchat help resolve discrimination or victimization issues.