France Map Activity
Follow along on your blank map to put 30 cities, rivers, lakes, and geographic features in and around the state…
Follow along on your blank map to put 30 cities, rivers, lakes, and geographic features in and around the state…
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Lightly shade in the country and label it “FRANCE” Step 1: Lightly shade in the country and label it “FRANCE” F R A N C E
Using a red star, put France’s capital city on your map Step 2: Using a red star, put France’s capital city on your map Paris F R A N C E
Using smaller yellow stars, place 4 other cities in northern France Lille Step 3: Using smaller yellow stars, place 4 other cities in northern France Paris Orleans Nantes Tours F R A N C E
Using smaller yellow stars, place 6 cities in Southern France Lille Step 4: Using smaller yellow stars, place 6 cities in Southern France Paris Orleans Nantes Tours F R A N C E Lyon Limoges Bordeaux Marseille Nice Toulouse
Label 4 nations to the north and northeast of France England Lille Belgium Step 5: Label 4 nations to the north and northeast of France Germany Lux. Paris Orleans Nantes Tours Lyon Limoges Bordeaux Nice Marseille Toulouse
Label 3 nations to the east, southeast, and southwest of France England Lille Belgium Step 6: Label 3 nations to the east, southeast, and southwest of France Germany Lux. Paris Orleans Swtz. Nantes Tours Lyon Limoges Italy Bordeaux Nice Marseille Toulouse Spain
Label four bodies of water that touch France England Lille Belgium Step 7: Label four bodies of water that touch France Germany English Channel Lux. Paris Orleans Tours Swtz. Nantes Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
England Lille Belgium Step 8: Using a small circle, indicate the location of Versailles, outside of Paris Germany English Channel Lux. Paris Versailles Orleans Nantes Tours Swtz. Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
Using blue, trace and label the Seine River, which runs through Paris England Lille Belgium Step 9: Using blue, trace and label the Seine River, which runs through Paris Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Paris Versailles Orleans Nantes Tours Swtz. Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Bay of Biscay Bordeaux Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
England Lille Belgium Step 10: Using blue, trace and label the Loire River, which travels near several major cities Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Paris Versailles Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Swtz. F R A N C E Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Marseille Toulouse Nice Mediterranean Sea Spain
England Lille Belgium Step 11: Using blue, trace and label the Rhone River, which travels to the Mediterranean Sea Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Paris Versailles Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Swtz. Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
England Lille Belgium Step 12: label the Chunnel, which is an underwater tunnel connecting France and England Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Paris Versailles Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Swtz. Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
Draw small trees and label the Argonne Forest in Northern France England Lille Belgium Step 13: Draw small trees and label the Argonne Forest in Northern France Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Versailles Paris Loire River Orleans Tours Swtz. Nantes Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
Draw small Triangles and label the Vosges Mountains England Lille Belgium Step 14: Draw small Triangles and label the Vosges Mountains Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Versailles Paris Vosges Mts. Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Swtz. Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
Draw small Triangles and label the Jura Mountains England Lille Belgium Step 15: Draw small Triangles and label the Jura Mountains Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Versailles Paris Vosges Mts. Loire River Orleans Tours Jura Mts. Swtz. Nantes Atlantic Ocean Lyon Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
Draw small Triangles and label the Alps England Lille Belgium Step 16: Draw small Triangles and label the Alps Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Versailles Vosges Mts. Paris Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Jura Mts. Swtz. Atlantic Ocean Lyon Alps Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Mediterranean Sea Spain
Draw small Triangles and label the Pyrenees England Lille Belgium Step 17: Draw small Triangles and label the Pyrenees Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Versailles Vosges Mts. Paris Loire River Orleans Tours Jura Mts. Swtz. Nantes Atlantic Ocean Lyon Alps Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Pyrenees Mediterranean Sea Spain
Draw small Triangles and label the Pyrenees England Channel Lille Belgium Step 18: Draw small Triangles and label the Pyrenees Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Versailles Vosges Mts. Paris Loire River Orleans Nantes Jura Mts. Swtz. Tours Atlantic Ocean Lyon Alps Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Nice Marseille Toulouse Pyrenees Mediterranean Sea Spain
England Lille Belgium Step 19 and 20: For Homework, find 2 more items to place onto your map (a city? A geographic feature? A landmark? Something else?) Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Paris Versailles Vosges Mts. Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Jura Mts. Swtz. F R A N C E Atlantic Ocean Lyon Alps Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Marseille Toulouse Nice Pyrenees Mediterranean Sea Spain
England Germany F R A N C E Atlantic Ocean Spain Belgium Paris Swtz. Lille Belgium Chunnel Germany English Channel Lux. Seine River Argonne Forest Paris Versailles Vosges Mts. Loire River Orleans Nantes Tours Jura Mts. Swtz. F R A N C E Atlantic Ocean Lyon Alps Limoges Italy Rhone River Bordeaux Bay of Biscay Marseille Toulouse Nice Pyrenees Mediterranean Sea Spain