Barometer of Public Opinion Republic of Moldova November 2011 Conducted by:
Contents The Programme “Barometer of Public Opinion” …….………………………………………………….3 „CBS-AXA” Centre for Sociological Investigations and Marketing Research…………...………….……...4 Survey Methodology …………………...…………….5 Economy: General Issues…...…………………...……6 Life Quality: Social Issues .……...…………….……14 Politics ………………………………………….…36 Internal and Foreign Relations…………………….60 Dynamic of Responses...………………………...…81
Programme Barometer of Public Opinion 3
“CBS-AXA” Centre for Sociological Investigations and Marketing Research is a sociological company registered in 2003. It was founded on the basis of the Centre for Public Opinion Polls and Marketing Research ILIGACIU Ltd. GENERAL INFORMATION ▪ 1998: establishment of “ILIGACIU” Centre for Public Opinion Polls and Marketing Research; ▪ 22.12.2003: establishment of “CBS-AXA” Centre for Sociological Investigations and Marketing Research. ▪ The major shareholders of CBS AXA are BBSS (Balkan British Social Survey), Bulgaria, member of Gallup International Association and of TNS group, and CSOP TNS Bucharest, Romania. ▪ CBS-AXA is a member of a regional network (South-Eastern Europe) of Gallup International Association. ▪ CBS-AXA has close collaboration relations with TNS group, and is a member of the regional (Balkan) network of this consortium. At present, TNS is the leading marketing research agency in Great Britain and France and the world’s second company in this field. ▪ The activity of CBS-AXA is focussed on quantitative and qualitative surveys in various fields: public opinion polls, mass-media, marketing research, sociological expertise, impact measurement. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE Sociological surveys; Audience surveys; Market research; Organizational evaluation; Political marketing. In the modern world, the success is determined by information. In order to make a decision, there is need for knowledge. Conducted at local, regional and national level, among the population, economic entities or institutions, the surveys of CBS-AXA provide to management bodies the required information for making the best decisions and for efficient allocation of the available resources. The survey reports disseminated by CBS-AXA are an important source of information not only for our clients: private companies from the country and from abroad, media institutions, advertising agencies non-governmental organizations governmental agencies, but also for researchers, journalists, political analysts and for the public. Our Address: “CBS-AXA” Centre for Sociological Investigations and Marketing Research 31 August 1989 str., 98, MD-2004, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova Contact information: tel. (+373) 22 234 938; fax. (+373) 22 234 987 website:, e-mail: 4
Survey Methodology 5
Economy: General Issues 6
Distribution of responses to the question: Is our country moving towards a right or a wrong direction? 7
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you content with Government policy in the following fields …? 8 Difference up to 100% represents DK/NA responses
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you content with Government policy in the following fields …? 9
Distribution of responses to the question : Assess the economic situation in the Republic of Moldova 10
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you content with the present economic situation in the Republic of Moldova? 11
Distribution of responses to the question : What measures should be undertaken to improve the social-economic situation in our country? 12
Distribution of responses to the question : What measures should be undertaken to improve the social-economic situation in our country? a total of 3 options 13
Life Quality: Social Issues 14
Distribution of responses to the question : What are you most concerned about at present? 15
Distribution of responses to the question : What are you most concerned about at present? a total of 3 options 16
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you, in general, content with your living? 17
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you content with …? Difference up to 100% represents DK/NA responses 18 * Basis: 416 employed respondents
Distribution of responses to the question : 19
Distribution of responses to the question : Assess the present income of your family 20
Distribution of responses to the question : Which of the following statements describes the best the situation of your family? 21
Distribution of responses to the question : How often do you …? 22
Distribution of responses to the question : Which is the most important source of information for you? 23
Distribution of responses to the question : Which is the most important source of information for you? a total of 2 options 24
Distribution of responses to the question : Which source of information do you trust in the most? 25
Distribution of responses to the question : Which source of information do you trust in the most? 26
Distribution of responses to the question: Which TV channels do you get informed from the oftenest? * Basis: 971 respondents for whom television is one of the most important sources of information 27
Distribution of responses to the question: Which TV channels do you get informed from the oftenest?
Distribution of responses to the question: Which of the following TV channels broadcasts the most objectively the political news, in your opinion?
Distribution of responses to the question : Which of the following TV channels broadcasts the most objectively the political news, in your opinion?
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do people like you enjoy free access to information, in your opinion?
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you feel free ... ?
Distribution of responses to the question: Is the personal security of an ordinary citizen ensured in the Republic of Moldova?
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you feel safe in the following places in the daytime?
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you feel safe in the following places in the nighttime?
Politics 36
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you concerned about politics? 37
Distribution of responses to the question : Do your family members, friends, colleagues discuss about political issues?
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you trust in …? 39 Difference up to 100% represents DK/NA responses
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you trust in …? 40
Distribution of responses to the question : Which is the political personality in the Republic of Moldova you trust in the most? (open-ended question) 41
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you trust in the following political personalities? 42 Difference up to 100% represents NA responses
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you trust in the following political personalities? 43
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you trust in the following political parties? 44 Difference up to 100% represents NA responses
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent do you trust in the following political parties? 45
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you go to voting, if legislative election is held in the Republic of Moldova next Sunday? 46
Distribution of responses to the question: What party would you vote for, if legislative election is held in the Republic of Moldova next Sunday? 47
Distribution of responses to the question : What party would you vote for, if legislative election is held in the Republic of Moldova next Sunday? 48
Distribution of responses to the question: What party you would not vote for in any case, if legislative election is held in the Republic of Moldova next Sunday?
Distribution of responses to the question: What party you would not vote for in any case, if legislative election is held in the Republic of Moldova next Sunday?
Distribution of responses to the question: Does the people’s will rule in the Republic of Moldova, in your opinion? 51
Distribution of responses to the question : Which political system is the best for the Republic of Moldova, in your opinion?
Distribution of responses to the question: Which of the following statements would you agree with?
Distribution of responses to the question: Do you think that the Republic of Moldova should better be governed … ?
Distribution of responses to the question: Which three issues do you consider as prior now for the Republic of Moldova? 55
Distribution of responses to the question : Which three issues do you consider as prior now for the Republic of Moldova? multiple response 56
Distribution of responses to the question: Assess the activity of the Government led by Vlad Filat?
Distribution of responses to the question : Since the present Government has acceded to power, the corruption...?
Distribution of responses to the question: To what extent is the living of an ordinary citizen affected by the fact that the President of the Republic of Moldova has not been elected since 2009?
Internal and Foreign Relations 60
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you accept Jewish … :
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you accept Muslims … :
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you accept Roma … :
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you accept HIV-infected people … :
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you accept drug users … :
Distribution of responses to the question : Would you accept homosexuals … :
Distribution of responses to the question: Would you accept people of another race … :
Index of social distance NOTE: The index of social distance shows the average number of positions accepted by the respondents in relation with a certain group on the scale: As an inhabitant of the Republic of Moldova As an inhabitants of your community As a neighbour As a friend As a part of your family The minimal value of the index (0) means acceptance, i.e. maximal tolerance – the respondent accepts the representatives of the respective group as a part of his/her family. The maximal value (5) means rejection, i.e. maximal intolerance – the person does not accept the representatives of the respective group as citizens of the Republic of Moldova, at the least. The diagram above shows the average values of the index concerning the whole sample. Treatment of averages: Value 0 – acceptance as a family member; Value 1 – acceptance as a friend, at the most; Value 2 – acceptance as a neighbour, at the most; Value 3 – acceptance as an inhabitant of the community, at the most; Value 4 – acceptance as a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, at the most; Value 5 – the group is not accepted as citizens of the country, at the least.
Index of social distance
Distribution of responses to the question : To what extent are you concerned about the following issues which have been often raised over the past time?
Distribution of responses to the question: Over the past years, there have been many debates about the reform for optimization of the school network which implies closing small schools and transporting the children to larger schools in neighbouring communities. What is your attitude towards this issue?
Distribution of responses to the question: Assess the present relationship between the Republic of Moldova and the following states? Difference up to 100% represents DK/NA responses 72
Distribution of responses to the question: Which country should be the major strategic partner of the Republic of Moldova, in your opinion? 73
Distribution of responses to the question : If a referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union is held next Sunday, would you vote for or against it? 74
Distribution of responses to the question: What is the best solution for ensuring the security of our country, in your opinion? Neutrality Joining NATO Other DK/NA TOTAL 61,9% 14,2% 1,3% 22,5% Male 1,6% 17,3% Gender Female 64,0% 17,0% 1,1% 27,2% Urban 60,1% 11,6% 1,7% 16,9% Residence environment Rural 66,6% 14,8% 27,0% 18 - 29 years old 58,1% 13,7% 21,5% 30 44 years old 63,3% 13,9% 0,9% 22,0% 45 59 years old 63,7% 13,4% 1,5% Age 60 + years old 62,6% 18,9% 2,0% 33,0% Moldovan/Romanian 56,1% 8,9% 1,4% 21,6% Rus sian 62,2% 3,5% 21,8% Ukrainian 55,5% 19,2% 0,0% 33,9% Nationality 58,9% 7,2% 23,9% Low level 68,3% 7,8% 28,7% Middle level 59,0% 11,2% 20,2% Education High level 64,5% 13,2% 0,8% 14,7% Low 20,9% 1,8% 28,4% Average 61,2% 8,6% 1,2% 24,2% Social-economic level High 12,0% 10,0% 75
Distribution of responses to the question: If a referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova to NATO is held next Sunday, would you vote for or against it? 76
Distribution of responses to the question : If you had the opportunity to choose, in which country or group of countries would you like to live?
Distribution of responses to the question : If a referendum on the accession of the Republic of Moldova either to the European Union or to the Customs Union RUSSIA- BELARUS-KAZAKHSTAN was held, what would you opt for?
Distribution of responses to the question : Assess the correctness of the behaviour described below :
Distribution of responses to the question: Are you aware of such situations?