Carden Park Elementary This week in 2nd Grade: Carden Park Elementary What are we learning? Reading: How to infer from a text Inferring is when we figure out something the author didn’t tell us by using our background knowledge and clues from the text Asking and answering think (inferring) and thin (right there) questions Writing: Writing opinion letters about our favorite pet Revising, editing and publishing opinion letters Parts of a letter (date, greeting, body, closing and signature) Math: Addition and subtraction fluency to 20 Addition and subtraction to 1,000 Addition and subtraction story problems to 1,000 News From Mrs. Hausman I want to thank you all for your support this year! My friends of Room 146 have worked hard and achieved more than you may know about! Please ask your child about: Reading level SRI score Reading Counts points REFLEX fluency We should be proud of their achievements! No more HOMEWORK or SPELLING the rest of the year! Important Events: May 5 Field Day May 12th Yearbook Signing Party May 16th Last Day of School 2nd grade awards assembly at 10:00am Early out 1:15 May22 1st Day of Summer School April 28, 2017