Commercialising aflasafe as a biocontrol for aflatoxins Stakeholders’ Meeting, 30th September 2016, Lusaka Theme 4: Current achievements & gaps Commercialising aflasafe as a biocontrol for aflatoxins
Project Objectives To conduct a trade assessment of key agricultural VCs in Zambia To assess the efficacy of two aflasafe biocontrol products in Region I and III agro-ecological zones of Zambia To develop a business plan for commercializing aflasafe in Zambia To develop a dossier & identify requirements for aflasafe registration & commercialization To assess the cost benefits of using aflasafe
Aflasafe Technology: Planned activities & Partners Trade assessment + Cost benefit analysis Product value demonstration Product registration NISIR ZARI IITA Profit+ Share-Africa Zambia ZARI/IITA Profit + Share Africa Zambia Efficacy trial in AEZs I & III Business plan ZARI IITA NISIR USDA IITA
(60.2 Ha treated (45 females, 57 males) Current Achievements Efficacy of Aflasafe in Region I & III agro-ecological zones (60.2 Ha treated (45 females, 57 males) AEZ Province District Maize fields Groundnut fields Treated Control I Western Sesheke 16 11 Southern Kazungula 25 9 III Central Serenje 32 14 Totals 73 72 34
Proportion of maize samples (%) Proportion of groundnut samples (%) Current Achievements 1. Results: aflasafe efficacy Aflatoxin level Proportion of maize samples (%) Proportion of groundnut samples (%) Treated Controls Range (ppb) 0-21 0-179 0-244 0-1426 Undetectable 95.5 79.0 44.1 56.3 2-4 ppb 3.0 17.7 38.2 25.0 4-10 ppb 0.0 2.9 11-20 ppb > 20 ppb 1.5 3.2 11.8 18.8
2. Aflasafe product value demonstration + Cost benefit analysis Current Achievements 2. Aflasafe product value demonstration + Cost benefit analysis AEZ Province District Block Groundnut fields Treated Control II Eastern Chipata Chitandika 93 49 ” Chipangali 15 13 Totals 108 62
Current Achievements 2. Results Aflatoxin analysis: ongoing Aflatoxin level Proportion of treated groundnut samples Proportion of untreated groundnut samples Range (ppb) 0-388 0-11,000 Undetectable 45.2 19.2 2-4 ppb 43.3 23.1 4-10 ppb 3.8 11.5 11-20 ppb 1.0 0.0 > 20 ppb 6.7 46.2 Aflatoxin analysis: ongoing Cost benefit analysis: Profit+ & Share Africa Zambia undertaking the assessment
Current Achievements 3. Aflasafe product registration ZEMA Engagement: Field evaluation of aflasafe
Current Achievements 3. Aflasafe product registration: Requirements identified Form VIII (Main application form) Form X (Label contents application form) Product Information A draft label Efficacy (min 2 seasons; 2 trials /crop; all AEZ) Certificate of analysis Origin Product description Physical and chemical characteristics Mode of action NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH PROVISIONAL ECOTOXICOGY DOSSIER FOR AFLASAFE ZM01 AND AFLASAFE ZM02 Prepared by Henry Njapau March 2016 Certificate of registration from country of origin Safety data sheet Consent letter from manufacturer Ecotoxicology Dossier
Provisional registration Current Achievements 3. Aflasafe product registration: Dossier submitted to ZEMA Submission of Application dossier Full registration Provisional registration Dossier Review & Feedback to Applicant Accept application Reject application Revision of Dossier Re-submission of Dossier-yet to be done Review process
4. Current Achievements: BP development ENTRY POINT AFRICA BUSINESS PLAN FOR AFLASAFE COMMERCIALISATION IN ZAMBIA First Working Draft- JANUARY 2016 FRA IITA ZARI GIZ USAID-Zambia WFP COMACO Eastern Province Farmers Cooperatives union (EPFC) ZAMSEED COMESA ZABs Share Africa Zambia Program Against Malnutrition (PAM) Grain Traders Association of Zambia (GTAZ) PROFIT + ZEMA Smallholder Agri Business Promotion Programme (SAPP) Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Marketing and Agri-business Ministry of Agriculture, Chipata Village headman & Farmers in Chipata Katete District Women’s Association Stakeholder consultation Ministry of Agriculture, Petauke Maize & groundnut farmers in Petauke Ministry of Agriculture, Nyimba Maize & groundnut farmers in Nyimba Maize & groundnut farmers in Kabwe Ministry of Agriculture, Chibombo Maize & groundnut farmers in Chibombo
4. Current Achievements: BP development Potential aflasafe manufacture Share-Africa Zambia ZAMSEED companies expressed need for seed money to jump start the manufacturing process 530, 000$ for aflasafe plant Market & demand 60% of farmers willing to pay for such a product Market: Local consumers, processors, Govt school feeding programs, regional traders NGOs & development partners Potential distribution channels Lead firms: Organizations operating M/GN value chains Seed & input supplies NGOs & development partners
4. Current Achievements 5. Trade assessment An Assessment Report of Trade Performance of Key Agricultural Value Chains in Zambia from 2013 to 2015 Prepared and submitted by Gregory Chansa April, 2016 PROFIT plus USAID Project Plot #18944 | Off Lubansheshi Road Olympia Park | Lusaka Zambia ZM1010
Current Achievements 6. Awareness raising & Capacity building Category Chipata Sesheke Kasungula Serenje Female Male Farmers 50 47 29 16 37 25 45 Lead farmers 2 6 1 4 0 7 BEOs/ CEOs 8 17 3 CADs 1 Total
Challenges & research gaps Dry spell experienced in Western & Southern provinces negatively affected aflasafe deployment in pre-selected fields. Poor road networks: inaccessible fallen trees/ logs and thickets prevented access to fields in the forest. Birds were a problem in forest areas cropped to maize & groundnuts.
Gaps & outlook Business plan development: A new consultant to be hired to finalize business plan development. Product registration: Continue with the product registration process. Data: Test aflasafe product region I & III AEZ to gather 2nd year efficacy data
Acknowledgement Aflasafe team