CIC: November TOT for Mentor and BT Forums “It’s all about student achievement.” Vanessa Nieto-Gomez Jean Duffey
Agenda Agenda and Norms Training by Student Support Services Reminders and Updates Closing
Norms Active Listening Appropriate use of electronics Equity of voice Respect for all perspectives Confidentiality Norms are the standards or expectations by which a group has agreed to operate while working together. They should be used whenever two or more people are working together for a productive outcome. Norms help to maximize the productivity and effectiveness in a positive setting and ensure that individuals are respected. They place responsibility on individuals for expected behavior helping to build community in your group, and, at the same time allow for risk taking. Norms should be positive, kept simple and be few in number. The optimum situation is for the group to develop their own norms.
Training by Student Support Services Topic: Students Do Well When They Can Presenters: Michael Webb and Danette Maldonado
CIC Updates and Reminders
CICs Should Have Already: Met with BTs to show them how to verify their Mentor’s MAS entries Reminded mentors who were assigned in August, to have completed MAS entries of BT support through October. (MAS closed for these mentors October 31.) V is getting emails from BTs asking about how to verify Mentor’s MAS entries, so she knows that there are some CICs who have not yet gotten this done. Get it done ASAP. The deadline for MAS entries was extended to Oct. 31 for those who were assigned to mentor in August, so it is now too late.
“News You Can Use” Information The latest “News You Can Use #5” sent Oct. 6 has an updated Chronological table of deadlines and date reminders. It also has all the pertinent links you need to support your principal, mentors, and new teachers.
Approaching Deadlines CICs should: Send principals directions to approve BT/Mentor relationships by mid-October. The link for the directions on the website are in the “News You Can Use #5” email sent to CICs Oct.6th. Tell mentors the number of monthly MAS logs will be adjusted according to when they were assigned. For example, if they are assigned in the second week of the month, they will need to complete 2 logs for that month.
CIC Documents Remember to: Upload required documents in the course 177001 PD_CIC Document Submissions; Register on OneSourceMe Include agenda and sign-in sheets for all meetings and forums Maintain records and documents on worksheets presented during summer training (available on website under documents) Keep records of emails sent to mentors as evidence in case a mentor denies being informed of something. Review of expectations outlined during summer CIC training.
CIC Binder Remember to: Include agenda and sign-in sheets for all meetings and forums Maintain records and documents on worksheets presented during summer training (available on website under documents) Keep records of emails send to mentors as evidence in case a mentor denies being informed of something. Review of expectations outlined during summer CIC training.
CIC Document Due Dates Upload required documents in the course 177001 PD_CIC Document Submissions. Register on OneSourceMe. Campus Orientation Agenda/Sign-in Sheets (due now) BT/Mentor Forum Agenda/Sign-in Sheets (due as you complete forums) Due in March: BT/Mentor Assignments and MAS Monitoring #4 One-on-One Conferences with Beginning Teachers #5 One-on-One Contact with Mentor #6 Review of expectations outlined during summer CIC training.
Reminders for Everyone If you can’t remember your password, and you click “reset password,” you will not get a response because it does not work. You must call the help desk while you are sitting in front of your computer, so you can have a conversation with the support tech and test the new password before you hang up.
Reflect on BTs Support Remember who represents you in the next slide. Discuss with your table mates your successes with the support your BTs are getting from their mentors and others on your campus. Share some of the ways you would like to improve the support your BTs get.
Where are you in this picture?
Reflecting on the Training Complete the CAL Survey: What’s working? (What is going well so far this year?) What are your challenges/concerns? (Have there been any challenges or concerns that have been difficult to resolve?) What might be your next steps? (What might you do to address any pending concerns? How will you use what has been presented in this training?) What can I do for you? (What kind of continued or additional support would you like from Vanessa and Jean?)
Accountability Check-In Indicate on the CAL Survey (Check-In) the tasks that you have completed. Completed mentor/mentee relationships in MAS Documented conference with BT on One-on-One Conference sheet Visited BTs and documented on BT/Mentor Assignments and MAS Monitoring sheet Sent letter informing mentors of training requirements Informed BTs of Campus Forum #2 date Informed Mentors of Campus Forum #2 date