Recent relevant STDF activities Standards and Trade Development Facility Recent relevant STDF activities Kenza Le Mentec CDC- Rome-December 2014
STDF operations RBM framework being reviewed (discussion at the October Working Group. Draft version including indicators will be circulated to Members for comments in the days to come) One additional staff to be recruited for one year. Call for nominations for 3 developing country experts (LDCs, plant health expert) expired 28 November 2014 New STDF chairperson: Mr Kazuaki Myagashima (WHO)
Ongoing/planned/proposed thematic work Trade facilitation in context of SPS Agreement Aim is to reduce red-tape and costs of transaction while ensuring safe trade. Reports for 4 Asian countries (Cambodia, Laos, Philippines and Thailand) and the regional report published on STDF website Study welcomed by Members. Suggestions to carry-out the study in more countries to draw more meaningful conclusions. Research ongoing for Africa Aid-for-Trade Global Review ( Short film, case stories, side-event) EIF/STDF study (ongoing)
Ongoing/planned/proposed thematic work (continued) SPS Market Access Prioritization (SPS MAP) (ongoing) Fruit Fly Action plan for Africa Ex-post evaluation of STDF projects (suggestions for French speaking experts?) Study the possibility of a continental action plan Requires strong regional leadership (IAPSC?) Is there a role for CDC? Innovative Finance for SPS capacity (suggested by ITC, possible implementation under a project,…) STDF film (short stories on thematic activities, PPP, IAS, etc.?)
Recent relevant projects and PPGs (status and CDC input) Gambia PPG (led by IPPC Secretariat, no progress?) Zambia (accepted to implement PCE as first step but PPG implementation should commence within six months, solutions?) PPG surveillance data (led by Ian Naumman, work started, no significant progress so far?) ISPM 15 Africa (revision ongoing-will start early next year) PPG Virus indexing in Malawi: feasibility study on developing virus indexing capacity for planting materials in Malawi presented to WG, decision to develop a full project proposal.
Recent relevant projects and PPGs (continued) Strengthening phytosanitary inspection and diagnostic services in Azerbaijan Project has started, aim is improve provision of inspection and diagnostic services by the Phytosanitary Control Service and Customs for maintaining the necessary level of phytosanitary protection for agricultural production. Breaking barriers, facilitating trade in COMESA member states (Egypt, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe – oranges, milk, groundnuts, maize, beef, fish) Increase intra-COMESA trade in agri-food products by reducing trading costs associated with SPS measures for selected commodities on selected trade routes.
Pipeline projects, PPGs and other questions Beyond Compliance global project (role for the CDC?) Pesticide database Requests from Members during WTO regionals in Pacific: Centre of Phytosanitary Excellence (variety of modules of interest including: market access dossiers, PRA, import inspection, implementation of systems approach…) Participation in possible Beyond Compliance global project Participation in E-phyto point -to-point (mainly Tonga) Request from Timor-Leste (implementation of PCE) Mentoring? Question from CABI
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