Planning for sustainable buildings MAV Environment Conference 2014 Thursday 1 May 2014 Elizabeth Brant Andrea Skraba Yarra City Council Whitehorse City Council
Background International UN World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) Agenda 21 (1992) UN Conference on Sustainable Development (2012) National Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure Act 2010 Greenhouse and Energy Minimum Standards Act 2012 Intergovernmental Agreement on the Environment (1992) State Planning and Environment Act 1987 Building Act 1993 Strategic plans (eg Plan Melbourne, Regional Growth Plans)
Background Sustainable Design Assessment in the Planning Process (SDAPP): Refers to the consistent inclusion of key environmental performance considerations into the planning permit approvals process in order to achieve more sustainable outcomes for the long-term benefit of the wider community 10 key sustainable design criteria Development of sustainable built form assessment tools: STEPS – Moreland City Council SDS – Port Phillip City Council CASBE formed to advocate for sustainable built environment outcomes and policy support SDAPP identifies 10 key sustainable design criteria that need to be addressed by applicants. These include: Indoor environment quality Energy efficiency Water resources Storm water management Building materials Transport Waste Management Urban Ecology Innovation Ongoing building and site management
The ESD policy Initiated in 2009 by Moreland City Council Sets out ESD information requirements for new developments: Scaled system based on size and type of development Tailored to Council circumstances Authorisation to exhibit received from Minister for Planning in mid-2012 Exhibition by six Councils in early 2013 Minister appointed Advisory Committee in June 2013 Advisory Committee/Panel hearing held late 2013
Advisory Committee and Panel process Terms of Reference raised high level questions: What are the roles of the planning and building systems in relation to regulation of ESD matters Appropriateness of assessment tools Effect on intergovernmental agreements Interaction with building and other legislation State versus local application Thresholds for application requirements Effect of policies when used with other measures Qualitative versus quantitative assessment Mandatory versus discretionary controls Costs versus benefits What is best practice
Advisory Committee/Panel findings Summary of findings: That planning and building both have a significant role to play in achieving sustainable development. State Planning Policy Framework is a good starting point, but it needs improving, as do the Building Regulations, and the two need better integration. A State-wide approach would be the most effective, but in the absence of that local policies should be supported. There are clear positive economic, social and environmental benefits to be gained through the consideration of ESD at the planning stage. Need to consider affordability beyond just the construction phase and include the ongoing costs of the property.
Advisory Committee/Panel recommendations Key recommendations: Rename policy to Environmentally Sustainable Development Include definition of ‘best practice’ Develop and include SDAPP fact sheets as reference documents in the policies Adopt the policies generally as exhibited: Wording changes Definitions Explanatory notes More detailed application requirements and decision guidelines
Lessons learnt Councils can work together to achieve common goal: Diverse range of Councils Streamlining of internal and reporting processes Compromise and communication Having a solid evidence base is important: Proven evidence and outcomes Accepted methodologies
Next steps Councils will consider the Advisory Committee/Panel report Councils to submit to Minister for Planning for approval Continued advocacy: State-wide approach? Changes to BCA? Non-statutory mechanisms?