English Classroom Procedures


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Presentation transcript:

English 1 2012-2013 Classroom Procedures Ms. Hayes/Gatlin English 1 2012-2013 Classroom Procedures

Bell Work August 20th, 2012 On your own sheet of paper Write your first and last name Date of Birth Hobbies/Sports you play Parent/ Guardian Name Phone Number Address Email Last school attended English Teachers Name

Expectations Please respect yourself, others, and your teacher. Be on time every day, come prepared for class, and listen to/follow directions. Have a positive attitude!!

Discipline Procedures All students are expected to follow all classroom rules. Failure to do so will result in various consequences. However, following rules and expectations will guarantee your success and rewards. Please see the following Discipline Procedure:   1. Non-verbal warning (including eye contact, head shaking, tap on desk, etc.). 2. Verbal warning 3. Call (or email) to parent(s)/guardian(s) 4. Detention 5. Conference with student, parent, teacher 6. Office Referral

Attendance and Tardy Policy Tardies are a disruption to everyone in the classroom and upset the learning process. Therefore tardies will result in detention (lunch, before, or after school will depend on the number of tardies). It is your responsibility to get an assignment when you are absent. Check with your assignment buddy for the assignments before you come to me. Come talk to me before or after school if you need extra help knowing what to do (I may not always be in my office when you are needing assistance so try to make arrangements with me). You will have one day for every day you are absent to make up your work. Make-up tests must be taken the day you return unless the teacher specifies another time. The teacher will give a “0” on assignments for an absence marked as truant. You cannot exceed 10 absences or 20 tardies in one semester period. If you have 10 absences, you will receive an NC (no credit) for that semester.   If you come to class five minutes past the tardy bell, you will be counted absent for that class.

Procedures In English I, we keep a binder and a spiral for daily work. Students are asked to keep all handouts and essays in their binders in chronological order. This will help them stay organized and be able to refer back to past lessons in preparation for tests and/or writing assignments. The spiral notebook is kept in the classroom. Every day I have an agenda on the board and the first thing students do is a short "bellwork" exercise in their spirals. Bellwork usually consists of a grammar lesson, questions about previous day's reading, etc.. Both the spiral and the binder are checked and graded as part of daily work grades periodically.   We will be doing a great deal of writing in this class, and we spend as much time as possible preparing for these assignments and working on writing skills.

Supplies/Required Materials: A three ring binder with dividers labeled Syllabus/Daily Schedule, Notes, Handouts, Graded Assignments, Vocabulary, Research and Essay. Loose leaf notebook wider ruled paper (NO spiral paper, please) Highlighters Pencils, Red, Blue and Black Pens Appropriate Reading Materials Sticky Notes Schools Agenda and School Identification Badge Box of Kleenex/facial tissue, Clorox Wipes (store brand is fine), Germ-X *Note: Other supplies maybe required for projects or assignments, but you will be notified in plenty of time to get these extra supplies.

Ms. Hayes Classroom Schedule 1st hour: N108 2nd Hour: Plan 3rd Hour: S213 4th Hour: Lunch/S121 5th Hour:N119 6th Hour: N119

Syllabus Highlights English l is a composition course that focuses on your analytical reading, critical thinking and expository writing skills. This course is designed to enhance the ways in which you use and analyze language, both written and orally. As a community we will explore texts presented as written word, film, music, and visual art. In a scholarly fashion, you will identify, define, and discuss the literary elements and rhetorical devices being employed in said texts.

Syllabus Highlights You will be asked to think, read, and write critically about a variety of topics. I will constantly challenge you to defend your opinions, not because they are wrong, but because the world will challenge them. As the instructor of this course, it is my duty to present information in a way that is relevant to your development as a scholar, and to assist you with the comprehension of the material. As a student, it is your duty to embrace, absorb, and apply the material both in and out of the classroom. We are in this together, and I will do whatever it takes for you to be successful. That being said, I will not work harder for your success than you do. Ultimately, the time and effort you put forth will be the determining factors in the realization of your goals.

Student Evaluation: Grading Breakdown 79-70 C 69-60 D 59-0 F

Make-Up Work It is your responsibility to get an assignment when you are absent. Check the Absent Book to retrieve all class work and handouts. Come talk to me before or after school if you need extra help knowing what to do. You will have one day for every day you are absent to make up your work. Make-up tests must be taken the day you return unless the teacher specifies another time, but they will NOT be allowed to be made up during class. The teacher will give a “0” on assignments for an absence marked as truant. I will not track you down to give you the material you missed while absent. Upon returning to school, it is your responsibility to collect all missed notes and assignments (and schedule makeup tests if needed).

Late Work: Assignments turned in one day after the due date will be assessed a 20% penalty. This means that a perfect assignment, turned in a day late, will only earn 80%. I will accept assignments one day following the due date of the assignment. I will not accept an assignment if it is turned in one day past the due date. I need you to be responsible and turn your work in on time to ensure that you receive the best grade possible in my class. Late work, incomplete work, and missing work will have a harsh impact on your grade. Turning your work in completed and on time will be imperative to the successful completion of this course.  

Syllabus Extensions: As life will sometimes place you in situations beyond your control, I will allow an occasional extension on an assignment. Prior to the due date, you may speak with me about any obstacles to completing an assignment by the assigned date. An extension may be granted depending on the situation. Again, these extensions are occasional and must be agreed upon prior to the due date.   Extra Credit: On occasion, you will have the opportunity to earn extra credit. If you have any missing assignments you are ineligible to earn extra credit. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the presentation of someone else’s ideas or writings as your own. Such conduct will result in a zero, and perhaps more importantly, a loss of trust. Please don’t try it.