Semiotics used in The Truman Show
Index It shows in The Truman Show trailer that he is in a fake reality and actually in a big studio made entirely out of his life but if you haven’t watched that and just started watching the film the first instance that his reality is fabricated is when a studio light falls from the sky. This is an index of symbolism, therefore you are seeing the smoke but not the fire; this studio light is a related object but doesn’t actually reveal the truth. It is a Signifier in the plot, meaning it is a visible part of the sign and overall plot, it is the first sign of foreshadowing, not only showing he is in a fake reality but overall that his life will come crashing down.
Symbols There are constant symbols in The Truman Show directly related to the representational level of characters and places alongside the actual characters grasp of symbols, signifiers and a lot of syntactic levels, meaning the protagonist’s response from what they see and in turn how they make the audience feel. The sea is the biggest symbol of confinement and freedom and therefore it is the only escapism in the town and the overall place were Truman is conditioned to not go out of fear. This is the most significant symbol in the film as the only way out is the sea and yet it’s Truman’s only fear, showing the manipulation of cognition in humans. In the film Truman's Father dies and disappears into the sea, causing his fear of the water however within the first forty minutes of the film a tramp approaches Truman who looks like his Father and is suddenly swept away by the townspeople. This is a connotation that his Father isn’t actually dead and can also leave him with the perception that water isn’t as bad as he once thought.
The revolving door in Truman’s office is a clear symbol of life will just keep revolving, the same way, forever; yet it is then used to signify a way out, when on the second day he doesn’t go into the door making the active choice to not just go with life. This starts the domino chain of events that shatter Truman’s reality, showing that when he doesn’t escape the set path he see’s behind the set from a elevator shaft, this represents that Truman is a lot more inquisitive than first shown.
The Bridges The bridges in the Truman Show represent the way out and them being over water represents confinement, overall showing that all the symbols and index’s used to keep Truman in are also the way’s for him to leave, leaving the prenotion that the basis of the film is the heroine overcoming his fears and finally escaping. In relation to the Syntactic level the audience will feel sorry for Truman as he isn’t control of his life and had no option to leave but overall they will directly relate to the escapism as by watching the film they are escaping practically making a paradox as the films main theme is based on why people actually watch films. Lastly a lot of the bridges in the film are dead ends suggesting that there isn’t escape at all, or just that the escape in not on land but rather water.
Fish Bowl effect There are constant shots of Truman in mirrors, first of all creating a watched atmosphere, however there are multiple levels you are watching him, however what is signified is the content in which you see, you see him drawing on the mirror with a bar of soap, showing that even in this designed world he still has an imagination and moreover an identity. There are four succeeding levels of frames around Truman's face that depict the degree of his captivity. We see Truman as viewed through a lens; we view his interactions with others through a lens, mirror shots showing him looking at himself but through the eyes of other and the control Centre shots of Christof.