Learning Map for Blue Class: Autumn 2 Let It Snow Please encourage your child to read each day Learning Map for Blue Class: Autumn 2 Let It Snow Christmas Journey event at the Kings Centre Home Learning set on Tuesdays and due back the following Mondays Can I use the internet to research different animals? Can I enter information into a computer? Typing and using websites to conduct research. Can I practice my throwing and catching skills? Netball, ball games and invasion games. Can I sequence and explain the Christmas story? Children to read the story and to use their knowledge to write about it and put the parts together in the correct order. Can I learn about Christmas music? Children to be learning about traditional Christmas music and to perform songs for the production. Can I understand religious signs and symbols? Children to discuss and write about different Christian symbols and signs. PE Music Can I work as a team to play games cooperatively? Children to use their skills to work as a team.. RE Can I compare toys from the past, present and future? Discuss, research and create a toy timeline. History ICT Blue Class Let It Snow Art PSHCE Getting on and falling out. Understanding how to be a good friend and work well with others. Science Literacy Maths Can I create a winter scene? Children to create artwork for our winter display. Can I create poppy themed artwork? Children to create artwork based on the WW1 symbol. Can I organise and present information in a list, table and diagram? Children to collecting and compare data on their favourite toys by writing a survey and putting their results into a table. Can I estimate, measure and compare lengths, weights and capacities? Guess the weight, length and capacity of different objects. Children to then select the correct equipment for measuring and to use their skills to measure. Learn how to read a scale and select tools for measuring the correct units. They will measure and comparing the weight of objects using weighing scales and various amounts of water within containers. Can I write a story using OBDER? Children to plan and sequence the events in their story based on the ‘Horrid Henry’ series. Use their skills and knowledge to write a story. Evaluate their own work and their partners’ work by discussing how they could improve their stories. Can I write a set of instructions in the correct order? Create step by step instructions based on the ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ book. Can I understand life cycles and food chains? Children to research and create their own food chains. Can I understand how animals are adapted to different habitats? Children to research and conduct habitat investigations. Can I tell the time accurately? Read the time on an analogue clock. Learn about different times of the day and identify the opening and closing times for toy shops. Can I use verbs, conjunctions, time words, adverbs and adjectives in my writing? Can I use interesting punctuation? Can I make sure my writing is the correct tense? Children to read texts and use their knowledge to compare and describe characters using effective language styles. i.e Peter is angelic. Identify verbs in a story and to describe the actions of the different characters using verbs. Use their understanding of character dialogue to create their own speech and write what the different characters are saying.