Communication & Applications Group Communication Wimba CourseDen Emails Tools and Applications Used Movie Maker 2.6 for digital story Sound Recorder for narration Camera for digital story photos Video camera for student interviews for digital story Sony Movie Studio HD to convert MP4 files to MPV Roxio Creator 2012 to adjust sound files Wiki PowerPoint
Overview of Topic Topic: Bullying Target Audience: 8th Grade, Health Education Georgia Performance Standard HE8.2 and HE8.4 We selected the social issue “bullying” as our topic because it is an issue that many teenagers are faced with today. In our digital story, we provided factual information about bullying (definition, effects, and statistics) as well as student perspectives on the subject.
Overview of Digital Story Our digital story was designed to have both factual and personal perspectives of bullying. We researched our topic by administering a questionnaire to students in 9- 12 grade for a student perspective about the definition and effects of bullying. After we researched school statistics on bullying, we then interviewed 9th-12th grade students to gain a more personal perspective on the topic. We inserted the video clips of the student interviews into our digital story between the slides with the factual information. We recorded narration to add to the slides that presented these more straightforward statistics. Our digital story is made to address an eighth grade health class, but we feel that it could be used for multiple grade levels.
Sample Slides
Storyboard Sample
Instructional Activity Audience: 8th grade health classroom Purpose: To explore what bullying is, how to recognize it, and what to do if you see bullying. Learning Objectives/Outcomes: Students will summarize their understanding of bullying and it’s effects by creating a skit that discusses various types of bullying and what actions to take if they are being bullied. Students will utilize a software application such as Yodio to create a multimedia presentation about bullying. Materials: Bullying video, computers and appropriate software, video cameras such as flip cameras or digital cameras, cellular phones, internet connection, printer, paper, pencil, overhead projector, instructional power point presentation about software, rubrics and checklists for assessment Step-by-Step Procedures: Day 1 Students view a movie about bullying (our groups movie) Students take a quiz over the video (assessment tool) Teacher opens up a class discussion about what bullying is, different types of bullying, what it looks like, how it feels to others, and what a student should do if they are being bullied. (Approximately 5 to 10 minutes) After the discussion, teacher assigns students in groups of 3. Teacher chooses groups by seating chart. Teacher walks around with a hat that has pieces of paper in it that say things like, “verbal abuse” and “cyber bullying” or “what is bullying?” or “how does it feel to be bullied.” Groups chose a topic (paper) from the hat. Students work with their group members to write a skit about bullying (depending on the topic selected by the group). In the skit, each person needs to speak a minimum of 15 times in complete sentences, and short responses such as “yes” or “no” do not count. Groups turn in their skit rough drafts for the teacher to review before they leave class for the day.
Instructional Activity Day 2 Teacher instructs students in how to use Yodio. Teacher show students how to create a Yodio account, and how to create a screen shot, and examples of what Yodio can be used for. Teacher shows students how upload a picture to Yodio, and how to call in and record the narration, and how to drag and drop them to create a Yodio presentation. Teacher ends with showing students how to publish their Yodio, as well as how to send an email to turn the project in. Students are instructed to make their skits into a Yodio presentation. Students work in their groups to create resources needed for their Yodio presentation. Resources include: pictures and narration of slides. Students create their Yodio presentation. Students email their completed presentations to the instructor. Teacher shows the Yodio presentations to the class, and students discuss points brought up by the presentations. Throughout the creation of the presentation, teacher will circulate the room to ensure students are on task, and to assist students with technical difficulties. Assessment Strategies: Students will be graded using multiple assessment tools, including observation, quiz, and rubric. Follow up strategies: Students will be required to reflect up their Yodio experience by writing a journal entry about the experience. In the entry they address the following: a. their opinion of the assignment b. any challenges they faced with the assignment c. their favorite part of the assignment and the worst part of the assignment d. if they could do the assignment again, what would they change? e. Three things they learned from the assignment.
Assessment Tool After watching our group’s digital story, students will take a short quiz to assess what they have learned. Below is a copy of the quiz. Now that you have finished watching the digital story about bullying, below is a short assessment that you will complete to see what you learned. Be sure to answer each question in complete sentences. What is bullying? What does bullying look like? (Give specific examples) How does bullying feel? What is cyber bullying? What do you do if you are being bullied? What is the most important thing you learned? In a paragraph or two, write about a time you were bullied or saw someone being bullied. What did you do and what would you do differently next time. If you have never been bullied or seen someone being bullied, write about what you would do if it happened to you or someone you know.
Learning Outcomes Challenges Lessons Learned 20-20 Time constraint Not being able to have the entire group in Movie Maker making changes and edits Finding out a group member dropped the class a day before the project due date Lessons Learned How to use Movie Maker How to create a Storyboard How to incorporate a digital story into a lesson plan 20-20 We would not change anything. Our group had great communication. Everyone jumped in and started compiling information , narration, photos, and videos for the slides and the other sections of the project were divided evenly.
Questions??? To see our entire project, visit our group wiki at