Abraham Lincoln
Gettysburg Cemetery Dedication Abraham Lincoln 11/19/1863
Agenda Met on battlefield (great) Dedicate portion of field - fitting! Unfinished work (great tasks) 11/19/1863
Not on Agenda! Dedicate Consecrate Hallow (in narrow sense) Add or detract Note or remember what we say 11/19/1863
Review of Key Objectives & Critical Success Factors What makes nation unique Conceived in Liberty Men are equal Shared vision New birth of freedom Gov’t of/for/by the people 11/19/1863
Organizational Overview 11/19/1863
Summary New nation Civil war Dedicate field Dedicated to unfinished work New birth of freedom Government not perish 11/19/1863
PowerPoint Run Amok
Battling Bullets
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Visuals, with limited text, are easier to process
Limit use of bullets to actual lists Your agenda items A summary A short list of important details
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The Assertion – Evidence Model What could we use instead of bullets? The Assertion – Evidence Model
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Presentation Zen
change the world The only reason to give a speech is to —John F Kennedy
If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough. —Albert Einstein
Presentation Zen Examples Seth Godin on Making a Difference Garr Reynolds on Being Like Bamboo
Graphical “Outlining”
Source: Garr Reynolds
Lessig Style
Lawrence Lessig Fast transitions, many slides Lessig's Talk on Free Culture and Copright Lawrence Lessig Fast transitions, many slides Single word or short phrase Text can: Mirror Augment Contradict
Non-PowerPoint Options
There are more options than PowerPoint 1. Prezi Kinetic, Topological Presentations Storytelling Techniques Explained Ron Gutman Explores Little-Known Benefits of Smiling 2. PowToon 3. Make your own charts/images and save as JPG files www.infogr.am www.easel.ly
Sources Gettysburg Address Spoof from norvig.com Afghanistan Stability from New York Times Assertion-Evidence examples from Michael Alley at engr.psu.edu Lessig image from fastcompany.com All other images from presentationzen.com Laurence Lessig talk available at http://randomfoo.net/oscon/2002/lessig/free.html