“How To Build Our Ministry Credibility”


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Presentation transcript:

“How To Build Our Ministry Credibility” Mission Area Coordinators & Undershepherds “How To Build Our Ministry Credibility” Designed for the Michigan District Church Health Board

Coaching: Benefits to You! “The principles and processes we are going to use in this training event, you can and should use in your local church ministry with others you serve and lead. Everything we do should be reproducible.”

Think about it… Who is someone who helped you grow spiritually or serve effectively? What did she/he do that helped you in your development?

10 Qualities of a Good Coach Spiritual health and maturity Good reputation with those who know them Humility – being teachable, a learner Positive attitude Passion to reach lost & broken people Expertise & growing competence

10 Qualities of a Good Coach Loyalty to the District vision & shares agenda harmony Available & committed to coach Personal Integrity Ability to Listen

Mission Area Coaching System Character Confidence Coaches Training Competence

Acts 4:36 A coach is… One called alongside to help… …like Barnabas “Son of Encouragement”

Acts 9:26-27 A coach is… One who sees potential before others do “Son of Encouragement”

A coach is… One who goes looking for “people on the edge” and brings them into our circle Acts 11:22-26 “Son of Encouragement”

Acts 13:2-3 A Good Coach “Son of Encouragement” The atmosphere of great leadership and coaching leads to Kingdom advance Acts 13:2-3 “Son of Encouragement”

Acts 13:50 Acts 14:12 Goal of Coaching Come alongside to help someone succeed… Acts 13:50 Acts 14:12 Barnabas raised Paul higher than himself

Goal of Coaching Barnabas is a great example of a good mentor and coach. Any others from scripture that come to mind?

Coaching Credibility Positional Expertise Relational Spiritual

Coaching Credibility Positional The coach has direct authority or significant influence over the person being coached. Keys Positional authority can create an opportunity for positive influence. But you cannot rely on positional authority alone to sustain a healthy coaching relationship. You must be perceived as helpful, trustworthy and caring.

Coaching Credibility Expertise The coach has recognized knowledge and/or experience in the area being discussed. Keys Coaches with expertise and knowledge are in high demand. But they may not have enough credibility to create lasting change.

Coaching Credibility Relational The coach has taken the time to develop a personal relationship of trust with the people being coached. Keys Relational credibility is required in our coaching opportunities if we want to be helpful. In long-term coaching relationships we increase the impact for both the pastor and church leaders if we are well liked.

Coaching Credibility Spiritual The coach is recognized for wisdom and has God-given spiritual discernment. Keys Spiritual credibility rises greatly when we use the Bible, pray, give the person a word from God, etc. The development and use of spiritual disciplines are critical in building our coaching credibility.

Coaching Credibility Building Your Credibility Effective coaches continue to work on developing expertise in each of these areas. Keys We always begin with one or two means of credibility with an individual at the beginning. Good coaches maximize their potential by shifting to “four wheel drive!”

Coaching Credibility Positional Expertise Relational Spiritual

Think about it… Which base of credibility do you use the most? Which one do you want to strengthen? What is one thing you can do to grow in that area?

The 3 Dimensions of An Effective Coach Confidence Competency Character Effective Coaching Training & Experience: “Knowing the Skills” Gifts & Passion: “Knowing Yourself” Intimacy & Obedience:“Knowing Christ”

The 3 Dimensions of an Effective Coach Confidence Competency Skill Development Character Ineffectiveness

The 3 Dimensions of an Effective Coach Confidence Competency Self Awareness Character Frustration

The 3 Dimensions of an Effective Coach Confidence Competency Moral Failure Character Disciplines Spiritual

The 3 Dimensions of an Effective Coach Confidence Competency Character Effective Coaching

Understand the Basic Skills of Coaching Listen / Care Celebrate Strategize / Train Challenge

1. Listen / Care Discovery Listening…Purpose Make sure you understand Let people process their own thinking to gain insights Process Focus your attention Avoid interpreting them Summarize what they say Invite them to “say more about that”

Know the leader and care for the leader and his/her family 1. Listen / Care Know the leader and care for the leader and his/her family

A Study in Verbal/Non-Verbal Communications 7 % Words % Tone of Voice % Body Language 38 55

He who talks most, listens least! Caution! He who talks most, listens least!

“Good coaching isn’t the art of giving good answers. It’s the art of asking good questions.”

We must balance the art of asking good questions and giving information only when necessary.

“Take time to celebrate when leaders reach a goal”

3. Strategize / Train Discover & explore key issues… …help the pastor & church implement the Annual Church Plan [122, 129.4]

A vision or God-given dream without a plan is a wish A vision or God-given dream without a plan is a wish! A vision plus a plan can become reality!

3. Strategize / Train The development of the heart, the head and the hands are all three important in a good coaching relationship.

Hands Head Effective MA Coaching Heart Attitude Knowledge Skills Character Heart Hands Attitude Knowledge Skills Head

4. Challenge Offer the right tool… ...at the right time! ….this can change a pastor’s, a leader’s whole life and ministry!

Coaching Resources A commitment to learn together O We aren’t perfect but we’re growing www.onecml.org has downloadable free resources for everyone to use

Using a Coaching Covenant Clarify Expectations -- Time Expectations Appointment Schedule Sharing Information How long is the Covenant

Remember!! Remember!! “Clarifying the coaching process and expectations is essential to a healthy coaching relationship.”

Establishing a Coaching Relationship Networking thru District family Having affinity with the person Affirming a coaching covenant a. person being coached b. coach

Establishing the Covenant “…for you have brought me into a covenant with you before the Lord.” Jonathan – 1 Samuel 20:8

Preparing for a Mission Area Coaching Appointment 5 Simple Steps To Take… Review Notes, e-mails, etc. Know who you are talking to Know what you are talking about Review recent meetings and conversations Notes from your last appointment

Preparing for a Mission Area Coaching Appointment 5 Simple Steps To Take… 2. Review coaching prep questions personal needs ministry issues being avoided ministry skills need developing resources that would be helpful casting vision for the next step encourage/strengthen relationship

Preparing for a Mission Area Coaching Appointment 5 Simple Steps To Take… 3. Take time to pray for the pastor and their family. know their names know their children pray for them and their family praying with people and for people by name is very powerful

Leading a Coaching Appointment 4. G. R. O. W. Questions What is the Goal… What is the Reality… What Options do you have… What Will you do, next steps…

Different Ways of Asking Questions Open Closed Is this an effective strategy for you? Is there more to be learned here? It sounds like you’re stuck between two choices – is this true? What makes this an effective strategy for you? How can you increase the learning in this experience? What’s another choice you could make besides the two in front of you?

Turning Statements into Questions Reframed as a Question “Where has that worked in the past?” “That’s a stupid idea!” “What might be some ways to improve on that idea?” “That’s unethical!” “How do you see that matching up with God’s Word?”

Following the Coaching Outline Listen / Care Celebrate Strategize / Train Challenge

…make the call and coach with confidence! Now That You’ve Prepared …make the call and coach with confidence!

Character Development

The 3 Dimensions of an Effective Coach Character Confidence Competency Moral Failure Disciplines Spiritual

The Importance of Character Development “You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you. A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” Galatians 5:7-9

The Importance of Character Development “You, my brothers are called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13

The Importance of Character Development Integrity – “behavior and decisions which are consistently in line with our Christian principles.” “It is what we do when no one is looking…when what we are in public and in private are the same.”

Building Trust Trust takes time to establish and seconds to destroy.

Building Trust Reliability Openness Equity Trust Caring Competence

SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES Discipline of Prayer Discipline of Fasting Discipline of Solitude / Meditation Discipline of Reading Discipline of Worship Discipline of Reflection Discipline of Service Discipline of Accountability

The 3 Dimensions of an Effective Coach Character Confidence Competency Effective Coaching & Consulting

“How To Build Ministry Credibility” Mission Area Coordinators & Undershepherds “How To Build Ministry Credibility” Designed for the Michigan District Church Health Board