One Mission . . . Three Priorities Robby Partain October 2009
The BBA Mission Assist churches!
What does the mission mean? Our job is to come alongside the local church and help them carry out their Great Commission assignment. We don’t create, operate, or fund ministries around or in lieu of the local church.
Priorities in Carrying Out the Mission Assisting churches in starting new churches Assisting churches in church health and revitalization (including project partnerships) Assisting churches in equipping church leaders (including peer-to-peer relationships)
The BIG Question The #1 question in North American Christianity right now: “What in the world are we going to do with all these plateaued & declining churches?”
Our Response We have a process & BBA council in place (latent potential) We need to do everything we can to see that potential realized We need a multi-dimensional approach to helping churches become healthy & helping church leaders in leading healthy churches
Ramping Up the Church Health Ministry New in 2010: The role of Church Health Consultant You might know him: Dr. J.K. Minton Assignment: Strategy, tools, and coaching Goal: A customized approach tailored to the needs of the church & church leader
Summary: The Plan for 2010 Plant churches and nurture our plants Equip church leaders Give new attention to helping churches be healthy
Why? Because we believe in the local church as the vehicle through which the Father is calling people to His Son and developing them as disciples through the power of the Holy Spirit