Sverige på Nordiskt adressmöte 2007 Per Sundberg Participants: From the Swedish Tax Agency Gunnel Nyström Peter Wännman From the National Land Survey Margareta Lindquist Kerstin Nilsson Stig Källs Per Sundberg
What´s new? We have a new government Some changes are made, some are delayed The committee inquiring how responsibilities shall be shared between national, regional and municipal authorities in the future left its statement in feb. 2007 Counties out – regions in ?? No immediate reform concerning municipalities
Law and ordinance on dwellings-register We are on the go at last! Kerstin will tell You more.
A National Geodata Strategy NLS has been commissioned the task to lead the Swedish Geodata Strategy work. A Geodata Advisory Board representing stakeholders is appointed by the Government. A report has been presented containing visions, strategic goals and priority activities for a national geodata strategy.
Postal news New organization of Swedish Post Posten Meddelande AB is the daughter company responsible for mail distribution, post-codes … The National Post and Telecom Agency has directed that delivery in post-boxes at the entrance of multi-storey houses shall be implemented before 2011 – delivery at the door only for aged or disabled persons.
New general agreement on cooperation between NLS and SALAR The NLS and the Swedish Association of Regions and Local Authorities have made a new general agreement in May 2007. The model for economic compensation from NLS to the municipalities has been revised to fit better into object-orientated registration and dissemination. (Stig will tell You more about that.)
The Address register in figures May 2007 In total 3,37 million addresses 290 municipalities 3830 districts (range 1 – 125, average 13 per municipality) 158 000 street or road names 84 000 country village or building-group names 150 000 farm or building names within the group above 77 000 common names (”alias names”) 225 municipalites have complete address coverage
Cooperation between NLS and municipalities Valid ABT-agreements (2007-05-20) In total 290 = all municipalities Field of information and agreement level Adresses S1 - 140 S2 - 109 S3 – 40 Buildings S1 – 203 S2 – 68 S3 – 19 Topography S1 – 126 S2 – 148 S3 – 2 Total amount of compensation in 2007: 26 mil SEK
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