August 28th 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

August 28th 2016

Prelude for Worship Martha Short


Blessed Assurance CCLI #606984

Blessed assurance Jesus is mine Oh what a foretaste Of glory divine Heir of salvation Purchase of God Born of His Spirit Washed in His blood

This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long

Perfect submission Perfect delight Visions of rapture Now burst on my sight Angels descending Bring from above Echoes of mercy Whispers of love

This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long

Filled with His goodness Perfect submission All is at rest I in my Savior Am happy and blest Watching and waiting Looking above Filled with His goodness Lost in His love

This is my story This is my song Praising my Savior All the day long CCLI #606984

The Church’s One Foundation CCLI# 606984

The church’s one foundation Is Jesus Christ her Lord She is His new creation By Spirit and the Word From heav’n He came And sought her To be His holy bride With His own blood He bought her And for her life He died

Elect from ev’ry nation Yet one o’er all the earth Her charter of salvation One Lord one faith one birth One holy name she blesses Partakes one holy food And to one hope she presses With ev’ry grace endued

‘Mid toil and tribulation And tumult of her war She waits the consummation Of peace forevermore Till with the vision glorious Her longing eyes are blest And the great church victorious Shall be the church at rest CCLI# 606984


clip #1 Offering – NRBC VBS Video VBS 2016 Short WMV.wmv

Summer Update

clip #2 MS Mission Trip Video (It’s the Superman start) VBS MS Mission Video 2016 WMV.wmv

clip #3 High School Mission Team / Fusion Camp Video (This is one video) Teen Service Fusion and HS Miss Trip 2016.wmv

BE THE Ephesians 4:11‐13 CHURCH

Intro: The Church as a body also needs to be a _____ team

Ephesians 4:11-13 (NASB) And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

I. Some ____ ingredients in building a team key A. You have to ____ the team B. You have to _____ to be on the team C. You have to _____ on the team D. You have to play your ________ E. There is no __ in team F. You have to be willing to ______ the coaching staff on the team join want work position I follow

I. Some ____ ingredients in building a team key II. ____ have a team? Why A. The image of the _____ in the New Testament B. _____ has a team C. You need a _____ to play a team body Satan team



Amazing Grace CCLI #606984

Amazing Grace How sweet the sound That saved A wretch like me I once was lost But now am found Was blind but now I see

T’was Grace that taught My heart to fear And Grace My fears relieved How precious did That Grace appear The hour I first believed

Through many dangers Toils and snares I have already come ‘Tis grace hath brought Me safe thus far And grace will Lead me home

The Lord has promised Good to me His word my hope secures He will my shield And portion be As long as life endures

Than when we first begun When we’ve been there Ten thousand years Bright shining As the sun We’ve no less days To sing God’s praise Than when we first begun CCLI #606984

Postlude Martha Short

11:00 AM Worship

August 28th 2016

Our God Saves CCLI #606984

In the name of the Father In the name of the Son In the name of the Spirit Lord we come We're gathered together To lift up Your Name To call on our Savior To fall on Your grace Repeat Once

And the world will see that Hear the joyful sound Of our offering As Your saints bow down As Your people sing We will rise with You Lifted on Your wings And the world will see that

There is hope in Your name Our God saves There is hope in Your name

In the name of the Father In the name of the Son In the name of the Spirit Lord we come We're gathered together To lift up Your Name To call on our Savior To fall on Your grace Repeat Once

And the world will see that Hear the joyful sound Of our offering As Your saints bow down As Your people sing We will rise with You Lifted on Your wings And the world will see that

There is hope in Your name Mourning turns to songs of praise Our God saves There is hope in Your name Mourning turns to songs of praise

And the world will see that Yes the world will see that Hear the joyful sound Of our offering As Your saints bow down As Your people sing We will rise with You Lifted on Your wings And the world will see that Yes the world will see that

There is hope in Your name Mourning turns to songs of praise Our God saves There is hope in Your name Mourning turns to songs of praise

Welcome Daniel Palmer

This Is Amazing Grace

The King above all kings Who breaks the power Of sin and darkness Whose love is mighty And so much stronger The King of Glory The King above all kings

Who shakes the whole earth With holy thunder Who leaves us breathless In awe and wonder The King of Glory The King above all kings

That You would take my place That You would bear my cross This is amazing grace This is unfailing love That You would take my place That You would bear my cross

All that You've done for me You laid down Your life That I would be set free Jesus I sing for All that You've done for me

The King above all kings Who brings our chaos Back into order Who makes the orphan A son and daughter The King of Glory The King above all kings

The King above all kings Who rules the nations With truth and justice Shines like the sun in All of its brilliance The King of Glory The King above all kings

That You would take my place That You would bear my cross This is amazing grace This is unfailing love That You would take my place That You would bear my cross

All that You've done for me You laid down Your life That I would be set free Jesus I sing for All that You've done for me

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain Worthy is the King who conquered the grave conquers the grave

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain Worthy is the King who conquered the grave Worthy worthy worthy

Forever (We Sing Hallelujah) © 2013 Brian Johnson | Christa Black Gifford | Gabriel Wilson | Jenn Johnson | Joel Taylor | Kari Jobe KAJE Songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing)/Worship Together Music Bethel Music Publishing

The moon and stars they wept The morning sun was dead The Savior of the world was fallen His body on the cross His blood poured out for us The weight of every curse upon Him

One final breath He gave As heaven looked away The Son of God was laid in darkness A battle in the grave The war on death was waged The power of hell forever broken

The ground began to shake The stone was rolled away His perfect love could not be overcome Now death where is your sting Our resurrected King Has rendered you defeated

Now forever He is glorified Forever He is lifted high And forever He is risen He is alive - He is alive

We sing hallelujah The Lamb has overcome

And now death where is your sting? Our resurrected King has overcome He's overcome


clip #1 Offering – NRBC VBS Video VBS 2016 Short WMV.wmv

Summer Update

clip #2 MS Mission Trip Video (It’s the Superman start) VBS MS Mission Video 2016 WMV.wmv

clip #3 High School Mission Team / Fusion Camp Video (This is one video) Teen Service Fusion and HS Miss Trip 2016.wmv

BE THE Ephesians 4:11‐13 CHURCH

Intro: The Church as a body also needs to be a _____ team

Ephesians 4:11-13 (NASB) And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ.

I. Some ____ ingredients in building a team key A. You have to ____ the team B. You have to _____ to be on the team C. You have to _____ on the team D. You have to play your ________ E. There is no __ in team F. You have to be willing to ______ the coaching staff on the team join want work position I follow

I. Some ____ ingredients in building a team key II. ____ have a team? Why A. The image of the _____ in the New Testament B. _____ has a team C. You need a _____ to play a team body Satan team



This I Believe (The Creed)

Our Father everlasting The all creating One God Almighty Through Your Holy Spirit Conceiving Christ the Son Jesus our Savior

I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit Our God is three in One I believe in the resurrection That we will rise again For I believe in the Name of Jesus

Our Judge and our Defender Suffered and crucified Forgiveness is in You Descended into darkness You rose in glorious life Forever seated high

I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit Our God is three in One I believe in the resurrection That we will rise again For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe You rose again I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord I believe in You I believe You rose again I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord

I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit Our God is three in One I believe in the resurrection That we will rise again For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in life eternal I believe in the Virgin birth I believe in the Saints' communion And in Your holy Church I believe in the resurrection When Jesus comes again For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in God our Father I believe in Christ the Son I believe in the Holy Spirit Our God is three in One I believe in the resurrection That we will rise again For I believe in the Name of Jesus