The History and the Scope of Psychology Module 1 The History and the Scope of Psychology
Pop Psychology
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes What is science? identifying problems, making initial observations, hypothesizing, testing hypotheses What is behavior? any activity that is directly observable What are mental processes? not directly observable: e.g., thoughts, motivation, dreams, emotions, beliefs
Goals of psychology Human/animal To describe behavior To understand mental processes To describe To understand To predict To influence/control
Psychology has a long history but a short past” (H. Ebbinghaus, 1908) the themes of psychology the methods of psychology Philosophy & Humanities Natural Science Knowledge is a product of introspective thought. Knowledge = insight Study inner sensations Knowledge is a product of understanding observable phenomena. Knowledge = understanding Study behavior
Psychology Psychology has a long history but a short past” (H. Ebbinghaus, 1908) Psychology the themes of psychology the methods of psychology Philosophy & Humanities Natural Science Pre-Scientific Psychology Is the mind connected to the body or distinct? Are ideas inborn or is the mind a blank slate filled by experience? Empiricism Knowledge comes from experience via the senses science flourishes through observation and experiment (Wilhelm Wundt, 1879)
First Perspectives in Psychology Structuralism All human mental experience can be understood as a combination of simple elements or events Used introspection (looking in) to explore the elemental structure of the human mind
First Perspectives in Psychology (cont.) Functionalism Focused on observable outcomes of processes of consciousness Focused on how behavioral processes function- how they enable organism to adapt, survive, and flourish
History of psychology Until 1920s – the science of mental life (Structuralism – functionalism) 1920 – 1960 – the science of observable behaviors (Watson, Skinner) 1960s – Humanistic psychology: recaptured interest in mental processes through studying the mind (congitive revolution) and environmental influences Today: the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Today’s Perspectives in Psychology are MANY Neuroscience Evolutionary Behavior Genetics Psychodynamic Behavioral Cognitive Social-Cultural
Today’s Perspectives in Psychology are MANY Neuroscience: the role of body and brain Evolutionary: the role of natural selection Behavior Genetics: the relative roles of genes and environment Psychodynamic: the role of subconscious drives Behavioral: the role of learning Cognitive: the role of encoding, processing, storing and retrieving of information Social-Cultural: the role of society and culture
Perspectives differ in levels of analysis Biological Influences Psychological Influences Behavior or Mental Processes Social and cultural influences
Levels of analysis differ Neurons & nervous system & hormones Genes Brain Dyads Groups Cultures Situations Some study at the nuron level Some study the mind Some study dyads Some groups.
Increase the knowledge base Solve practical problems Within Each Perspective Psychologists Could Adopt Two Distinct Objectives Increase the knowledge base Basic research Solve practical problems Applied research
Some Specialty Areas Within Psychology Clinical Psychology: (different from psychiatry) concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of relatively severe mental and behavioral disorders. Counseling Psychology: deals with problems of adjustment in everyday life (marital, social, occupational). Developmental Psychology: focuses on how people change and grow over the lifespan—infancy, childhood (child psychology), adolescence, adulthood, and old age (gerontology). Social Psychology: studies how an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are affected by other people. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: focuses on behavior in the workplace. Psychometrics: designs tests to measure mental abilities, personality traits, and symptoms of psychological disorders.
What Psychologists Do
Where Psychologists Work
Turkish Psychological Association