Philosophers By: Alex Finley Adeline King CJ Bennett
Plato Aristotle Socrates
Aristotle -Aristotle lived from 384 to 322 B.C. -Plato was a student and a teacher, and got his teachings from Alexander the Great. -Taught deductive reasoning: syllogism/ ex: Men are mortal. Aristotle is a man. Therefore Aristotle is mortal. -
Plato -Lived in about 427-347 -He was a political philosopher -Plato was Socrates student -When Socrates was killed in 299BC, Plato wrote down what he was taught and opened his own school where Aristotle was a student and ended up opening his own school too. Plato began the thinking's of skeptics and his school was know as the "Center of Skeptics" -The main idea of skeptics was "we can't really know anything for certain about the world around us, or about ourselves.Therefore, we can't really ever know what is right or wrong, either." -The Skeptics ways were alot like Indian beleifs (like Buddism) were if you are stressing out about something, dont worry about because theres nothing you can do about it. -Aristotle was hi most famous student -Plato died in Athens in 347 at age 81 -his surviving works are: "Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Meno, Symposium, and Republic." -Ex: "Euthyphro was a work that illustrates how Socrates used question-and-answer method to show people that they know less than they think they do about some moral topic and to encourage them to think more deeply and more consistantly about it." -Socrates (Plato's "teacher") was put to death because many believe that he was "corrupting the youth" with his thoughts and beliefs that were not popular in his time.
Socrates “Socrates (469-399) was altogether different: he was interested in ethics. It was his axiom that no one would knowingly do a bad thing. So knowledge was important, because it resulted in good behavior. Socrates was always asking people about what they knew, and invariably they had to admit that they did not really understand what was meant by words like courage, friendship, love etc.” “He was basically the first philosopher. there were other philosophers before him, but Plato was taught by Socrates, and Aristotle from Plato. So Socrates more or less led to the greatest minds after him as well as constributing to the field himself. Socrates is also seen as a tragic figure, because he educated the children of Athens to think for themselves and angered many of the town leaders. Eventually he was forced to commit suicide for "corrupting the youth of Athens" and drank hemlock while all his supporters surrounded him. Parents: Socrates's father was Sophroniscus, a sculptor or stonemason and his mother was Phaenarete, a midwife. Wife, Children: Socrates had two wives, Xanthippe and Myrto. Whom he married first is uncertain. There is speculation that he married one of these women while he was still married to the other under an Athenian decree allowing a man more than one wife to replenish the depleted population of Athens. Socrates had three children: Lamprocles, probably the son of Xanthippe, and Sophroniscus and Menexenus, the sons of Myrto. Xanthippe may have done humankind a service by driving Socrates out of the house, providing him opportunities to conduct his philosophical investigations among the people of Athens. Residence: As an adult, Socrates lived at Alopece a deme (suburb) southeast of of Athens. Education: In his youth, Socrates studied, music, literature, geometry, and gymnastics. He also familiarized himself with the beliefs of leading philosophers. Like other Greeks, he extolled the works of the Greek epic poet Homer.”
Hand Out Questions Aristotle: Plato: Socrates: 1. Who was Plato's "teacher"? 2.what type of philosopher was Plato known as? 3. Plato began the thinking's of ?what? and made a school for those certain people to learn? 4. His main philosophy was similar to what other Indian religion? 5. Are there any of Plato's works sill around today? Socrates: 1.Why did the people of Greece shun Socrates for his teachings? 2.How did Socrates teach people by asking them questions? 3.What kind of things did Socrates teach about? 4.Why was it a good thing that Socrates's wife kicked him out of the house?
Citations Plato Socrates Aristotle Citations for Images: Carr, Karen. "Greek Philosophy for Kids." Kidipede - History for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School. Karen Carr, 21 Oct. 2010. Web. 28 Dec. 2010. <>. Carr, Karen. "Skeptics - History for Kids!" Kidipede - History for Kids - Homework Help for Middle School. Karen Carr, 26 Oct. 2010. Web. 28 Dec. 2010. <>. "Greek Philosophers." Livius. Articles on Ancient History. Web. 28 Dec. 2010. <>. Griffis, Jim. "Pg. 5." Introduction to Philosophy. Print. Socrates Cummings, Michael J. "Socrates." Free Study Guides for Shakespeare and Other Authors. Michael J. Cummings, 2004. Web. 26 Dec. 2010. <>. "Greek Philosophers." Livius. Articles on Ancient History. Web. 24 Dec. 2010. <>. Aristotle Citations for Images: