PHIL 151 Logic: The Art of Reasoning Spring 2017 Critical Contribution
Critical Contribution The Critical Contribution for PHIL 151 is a short, analytical essay. In this essay, you will analyze arguments relating to a particular topic. You will: Choose a topic: Killer Robots or Genetic Selection Find two discussions relating to your topic Write an analysis at least one key argument within each of those two discussions The essays are short – 1000 words – so you will need to be concise! Due: Friday, October 20th. Submit your paper as a PDF via Moodle.
Key Points This is an exercise in analyzing arguments, not in persuasive writing. You aren’t writing for or against Killer Robots/Genetic Selection: you’re assessing the argument that other people have given. Don’t try to summarize the entire discussion: focus on particular arguments! Some discussions will include many arguments, so choose one (or a few) that seem interesting. Make sure you explain the arguments you are assessing before analyzing them. What conclusion is the author defending, and what reasons or evidence is being offered? Use whatever concepts/techniques are helpful in analyzing the arguments you have chosen. This could include talking about validity, argument form, problems of meaning, fallacies, hidden assumptions, etc. Some of these things will be more useful than others, depending the particular arguments you are discussing.
Topic #1 – Killer Robots Some Key Issues: What is a ‘killer robot’? How are they different from ordinary robots? What are the threats? Why are killer robots particularly dangerous? What are the analogies? Are killer robots like other forms of weapons? Are they like other forms of acceptable weapons or banned weapons?
Topic #2 – Genetic Selection Some Key Issues: What are the process for genetic selection? What technology is involved? What are the potential benefits? What are the potential risks? How does genetic selection compare with other forms of ‘selection’? For instance, is it comparable to selective breeding in agriculture? If it is, does that make a difference to whether or not it is acceptable in humans?
Mini Debates With a partner, develop one good argument for or against either Killer Robots or Genetic Selection. Write your argument down so that it’s easy to share. Share your arguments with each other and discuss. What are the important assumptions in your arguments? What claims need to be clarified, and what additional evidence is needed? Share your overall assessment with the class. Which side seems to have the stronger case, and why?