INDIA@COP22 On Farm Water Conservation Mission Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan Water for All - Drought Free Maharashtra by 2019 Drought mitigation measures Flagship Programme of Maharashtra Government to Render 20000 Villages Scarcity Free Vikas Deshmukh, IAS, Commissioner Agriculture, Maharashtra, India Sustainable Lifestyle = Positive Climate Action
Immediate Challenges INDIA@COP22 Of the total area of Maharashtra, 82% falls in rainfed sector, while 52% is drought-prone The state has witnessed a decrease in groundwater level by almost 2 metres Availability of water is a key challenge facing the state Critical need to recharge groundwater and create decentralized water bodies
INDIA@COP22 Strategy Jalyukt Shivar Abhiyan, launched in 2014, integrates and converges 14 water conservation programmes Integrated Watershed Management is core component of the Abhiyan Village plans drawn up based on water budget of the select villages Gram Sabha is empowered to approve the village plan Funded by the government and private sector, and more significantly, by the communities themselves through voluntary contributions Increased engagement of corporate sector - corporates extended financial assistance and adopted 400 villages State-level co-ordination and monitoring with Chief Minister Transformation Office (CMTO) periodically reviewing the programme
INDIA@COP22 Activities Generating public awareness through village and community level interactions, use of mass media and distribution of IEC material Watershed development and rejuvenation of old water bodies Repair, renovation and restoration of existing irrigation water bodies De-silting of old water conservation structures Recharging of open dug wells and tube wells Strengthening drinking water resources Promoting efficient use of available water Strengthening of Water Users Associations Ensuring optimum use of irrigation potential of existing projects Online monitoring of activities in project villages
INDIA@COP22 Outcomes Increase in water storage capacity over programme period - approx. 41.75 tmc Notable gains in run-off water harvesting, increase in groundwater table, period of water availability for both drinking water and agriculture, area under irrigation and crop productivity, despite most areas experiencing a second year of consecutive drought Programme in mission mode at national level through Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (Watershed Development)