5.02D Sources for Credible Nutrition and Fitness Information 1. 2. 3. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 1 1
Dietary Guidelines for Americans Provide science-based nutrition and fitness information for healthy lifestyles and reducing one’s risk of chronic diseases, such as: Cardiovascular disease Type 2 diabetes Hypertension Osteoporosis Certain cancers 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 2
Dietary Guidelines for Americans Are developed jointly between the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Are revised every five years to reflect the most current scientific information. Beginning with the 2005 edition, contain more technical information, making it oriented more toward policymakers, healthcare providers, nutrition educators, and nutritionists than the general public. Ultimate purpose is to improve the health of all Americans, two years of age and older. Contain strategies that give consideration to one’s food preferences, cultural traditions, and diversity of customs. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 3
Guidelines are established to: Encourage most Americans to: Consume only enough calories from foods and beverages. Make informed food choices – choose nutrient-dense foods Be more physically active. Include recommendations for: Americans over age two. Specific population groups. Monitoring those at risk for chronic diseases. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 4 4
Key recommendations are: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight: Prevent and/or reduce overweight and obesity through improved eating and physical activity. Control total calorie intake to manage body weight. Increase physical activity and reduce time spent in sedentary behaviors. Maintain appropriate calorie balance during each stage of life. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 5 5
Key recommendations are: Foods and Food Components to REDUCE: SODIUM – ages 51 and under - eat less than 2,300 mg - age 51 and over - less than 1,500 mg - any age who are African American OR have hypertension, OR have diabetes, OR chronic kidney disease. FATS - Less than 10% of calories from saturated fattyacids and replace with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. - Trans fatty acids – keep as low as possible, especially synthetic sources and limit all other solid fats. CHOLESTEROL – less than 300 mg per day of dietary cholesterol. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 6
Key recommendations are: Foods and Food Components to REDUCE: Calories from solid fats and added sugars. Foods that contain refined grains, especially those that contain solid fats, added sugars, and sodium. Alcohol if consumed, should be consumed in moderation – - one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men -- and only by adults of legal drinking age. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 7
Key recommendations are: Foods and Food Components to INCREASE: Fruits and vegetables! Your variety of vegetables, especially dark-green, red and orange vegetables, and beans and peas. Whole grains-at least half of your grains should be whole Increase intake of fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products. Your variety of protein foods, including seafood, lean meats and poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and seeds. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 8
Key recommendations are: Foods and Food Components to INCREASE: The amounts and variety of seafood consumed by choosing seafood in place of some meat and poultry. Protein foods that higher in lower solid fats and oils and calories rather than solid fats . Oils to replace solid fats where possible. Foods with more potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 9
Key recommendations are: Building Healthy Eating Patterns: Select an eating pattern that meets nutrient needs over time at an appropriate calorie level. Account for all foods and beverages consumed and assess how they fit within a total healthy eating pattern. Follow food safety recommendations when preparing and eating foods to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 10
General recommendations are: Physical Activity: Participate in regular physical activity and limit sedentary activities. Children ages 2–5 years – no specific recommendation, but young children should play actively several times each day. Children and adolescents ages 6 years and older – 60+ minutes of physical activity per day. Encourage participation in physical activities that are appropriate for their age, are enjoyable, and offer variety. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 11
General recommendations are: Physical Activity: Participate in regular physical activity and limit sedentary activities. Adults 18 – 64 years – at least 150 minutes a week of moderate- intensity physical activity. Include muscle-strengthening activities 2 or more days a week. Adults 65 years and older – Follow the adult guidelines; be as physically active as abilities and conditions allow. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 12
Recommendations for specific groups: Women capable of becoming pregnant: Choose foods that supply heme iron (more readily absorbed by the body) and enhancers of iron absorption such as vitamin C-rich foods. Consume 400 mcg per day of synthetic folic acid in addition to food forms of folate from a varied diet. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 13 13
Recommendations for specific groups: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding: Consume 8 – 12 ounces of seafood per week from a variety of seafood types. Due to methyl mercury content, limit white albacore tuna to 6 ounces per week and DO NOT eat tilefish, shark, swordfish, and king mackerel. If pregnant, take iron supplements as recommended by a health care provider. 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 14 14
Recommendations for specific groups: Individuals ages 50 years and older: Reduce sodium intake to 1,500 mg. Consume foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as fortified cereals, or dietary supplements 5.02D Dietary Guidelines 15 15
Recommendations for specific groups: Individuals who are African American, of any age, and those who suffer with diabetes, hypertension, or chronic kidney disease: Reduce sodium intake to 1,500 mg.
5.02Q Weight Management To regulate and maintain a healthy weight: Balance calories consumed with calories used. Prevent gradual weight gain over time. Decrease food and beverage calories Increase physical activity 5.02P Weight Management
Those who might need to lose weight Key recommendations To lose weight Decrease calories Maintain adequate nutrient intake Increase physical activity Aim for slow weight loss vs. rapid weight loss. One will keep the weight off longer if weight is a slower process and eating habits have changed. 5.02P Weight Management
Specific populations Overweight children Pregnant women Breastfeeding women Overweight adults Overweight children with chronic diseases 5.02P Weight Management
Specific populations Overweight children Key recommendations Overweight children Children should “grow into” their weight rather than limiting food. Maintain growth and development. Consult a health care provider before putting a child on a weight loss diet. 5.02P Weight Management
Pregnant Women Pregnant women Breastfeeding women Key recommendations Pregnant women Appropriate weight gain as determined by doctor Breastfeeding women Moderate weight loss is safe Doesn’t compromise weight gain of infant 5.02P Weight Management
Overweight adults and children with chronic diseases Key recommendations Always consult a health care provider to insure management of other health conditions. 5.02P Weight Management
5.02R Physical Activity Engage in regular physical activity. Reduce sedentary activities. 5.02Q Physical activity
Adults should: Do moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week. Most people can benefit from more intense/vigorous activity. 5.02Q Physical activity
To manage weight: Adults should maintain adequate nutrition and increase exercise. Some people may need a doctor’s advice before beginning a weight loss program. 5.02Q Physical activity
Physical fitness is achieved by: cardiovascular conditioning stretching exercises for flexibility resistance exercise for muscle strength and endurance 5.02Q Physical activity