Two Factor Authentication (2FA) “Better be despised for too anxious apprehensions, than ruined by too confident security.” — Edmund Burke
What Systems Already Very Soon TBD NESSIE Direct Deposit (from non-University networks and VPN) NESSIE W-4, Benefits and Earning statements 2016 W-2s Very Soon Banner (September 24, 2017) HRFE/Paris (October, 2017) TBD NetID and Password Changes Applications accessing sensitive data From an On-Campus Network Urbana-Champaign Email
How Smart Phone (DUO) Tablet Mobile Phone Landline Phone Token Temporary pass codes from AITS Help Desk if your lose or forget your other device
What is the Library Doing We will be reaching out to people (~170) who we can identify as needing access to the Banner and HRFE/Paris systems We have ordered some tokens that we can assign to staff who need them The process will be similar to how staff are assigned keys, including a form that will need to be completed and signed. Right now go through the IT Help Desk, but might eventually be handled by Dillon in Facilities $10 tokens preferred for people who need occasional access $55 tokens for people who need frequent or daily access Staff can still use their personal devices if they choose, but we can’t require this Library IT Help Desk can provide technical support or training if needed If we bought everyone in the Library who uses Banner a “nice” token it would cost about $10K
More Info UI Verify website: 2FA Knowledgebase articles: What is 2 factor authentication: Frequently asked questions (FAQ): 2FA enrollment guide: 2 Factor Authentication hardware tokens: How to get help with 2 factor authentication: 2FA and DUO: Not sure what to do? Contact the Library IT Help Desk:
“Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window.” — Steve Wozniak End Point Services How we deploy software, updates, and security patches to Library workstations and laptops “Never trust a computer you can't throw out a window.” — Steve Wozniak
Another New Campus Power Plant Service Library IT has also been major campus contributors to this effort Major Benefits Efficiencies of scale Improved security Better service Common application libraries across campus Inventory/reporting
What Campus Provides Infrastructure and service platforms: SCCM, Munki, Air Watch Documentation, Training, Consultation Common Application Libraries Shared Content Base Image Creation Software inventories for licensing purposes Security and compliance reporting
In the Library SCCM for Microsoft Windows and Munki for Apple OSX Library IT responsible for Local and custom applications and content Enrolling and retiring our end points Securing our end points Providing tech support for local users Library’s Costs $0.48/end point/month Kudos to Tech Services; this a reasonable cost Library’s cost for ~1000 devices: $5,760/year However, this is more than offset by a credit of over $10,000/year to the Library for our contributions to the Power Plant Specifically, 16.5% of Scott Clemens’ time The remainder will probably be applied to the Library’s Virtual Server costs which are also being provide by a campus Power Plant Service