Evaluation of the Training Tele-Seminar for e-Busniness Tutors in Serbia 11th – 14th July 2006
Evaluation – general information Goal of evaluation success of the deployment of the ELISA e-Learning platform (Moodle) Evaluation method formative (during the train-the-trainers seminar) summative (during the training of the SMEs) Formative evaluation Questionnaire with 32 questions in 5 categories Previous experiences with the ELISA e-Learning platform (MOODLE) Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform during the train-the-trainer seminar Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Data collection at the last day of the training tele-seminar Rate of return: 100 % Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation – general information 6 participants took part in the training tele-seminar CVs and statements within the Moodle forum are consulted for the data interpretation All working at: Belgrade University Computing Center Same e-Learning experience: Cisco CCNA certificate 5 out of 6 took part at the discussion before the training tele-seminar 3 out of 6 took part at the discussion after the training tele-seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Previous experiences with the ELISA e-Learning platform (MOODLE) Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Previous experiences with the ELISA e-Learning platform (MOODLE) Question 2 If so, in which context? Answer Some other project (ACTION-Leonardo) Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar A More than 5 hours. B Between 3 and 5 hours. C Between 1 and 3 hours. D Less than 1 hour. E I did not use the training course before the seminar. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar Question 4 If you did not use the training course before the seminar, please give some reasons why: Answer -- Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar A E-Mail. B Discussion Board. C Chat. D Skype. E Search Wikipedia. F Calendar. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar A More than 5 hours. B Between 3 and 5 hours. C Between 1 and 3 hours. D Less than 1 hour. E I did not use spend any time on the training content before the seminar. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar Question 9 If you did not work with the training content, please give some reasons why: Answer -- Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar A Very good. B Rather good. C Mixed. D Rather bad. E Very bad. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform in preparing for the train-the-trainers seminar Question 11 If you consider the support you received as rather or very bad, please specify the reasons: Answer -- Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform during the train-the-trainer seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform during the train-the-trainer seminar Question 13 If so, what did you use it for? Answers Edit and adapt content, create chat, chat with others, follow the professor etc. reading the lessons, chat, making exercises. learning and exercising Practice, mainly forum, chat, calendar, book creation and test quiz look closer what the elisa project is, and to better understand overall objectives Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Use of the ELISA e-Learning platform during the train-the-trainer seminar Question 14 If you consider the support you received as rather or very bad, please specify the reasons: Answer -- Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of your e-Learning platform knowledge upon completion of the seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Question 24 If not, which expectations have not been met? Answer -- Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar A No, I will not use MOODLE. B Yes, I will use MOODLE. C I have not yet decided whether I will be using the e-Learning platform or not. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Question 29 If you will not be using MOODLE or have not yet made a decision on using it, please give some reasons why: Answer -- Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar A No, I do not need any further support. B Yes, I need further support. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Question 31 If you need further support, please specify the kind of support you need in order to employ MOODLE in training SME's: Answers An expert to ask questions, so that I won't lose time whenever I am trying to do something new Advises of making materials and quizzes, etc... Further support to establish a valid course, forums, … Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar Question 32 If there is anything else you would like us to know, please specify: Answers All I would like you to know is that you have shared a lot of your valuable experience with us, and I feel confident that my pupils will receive a quality lecture. Thank you. Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Evaluation of the train-the-trainers seminar – forum feedback “This seminar certainly was a rich experience for me …” “I am very satisfied with seminar which is behind us.” “… the best thing I have learned is the proper way to communicate and interact.” “… the training content featured in ELISA course is very comprehensive and easy to use for our students.” “… I think we had successful seminar and everyone's expressions are positive.“ “The lecturers, what to say, a cream of the seminar.” “I was delighted by the quality of the lecturers in all four days. Although it was exhausting, the way of lecturing, interesting material and practical examples made the time go faster.“ Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Consequences / Suggestions for further seminars more practical exercises shorter presentations integration of Skype in Moodle make teaching material available in Moodle practice relevant presentations “… held a very important presentation, essential maybe, because our pupils will be very interested in the fist steps they need to take and things to have in mind before and after opening their e-shop.” group work “… tutor groups should be composed of people with a various knowledge and interest. In that way, while lectures are going on or on the breaks, they can give some explanations or advice to each other.” how-to-do papers for the use of Moodle tools future support Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006
Our impressions of the seminar dominant lecturers and too long lectures passive participants little/no interaction between participants and lecturers no real Moodle best-practice deployment scenario during the seminar lecturers should play a less dominant role shorter lectures participants should actively take part in the seminar more discussions national and international group work lecturer sum up results from group work and moderate the discussions Moodle should be a inherent part of the seminar –> best-practice examples for participants (better) active support before, during and after the seminar integration of the tutors Ideas for the next seminar Evaluation, Train-the-Tutor Seminar, Athens-Belgrade, 11-14 July 2006