Objective of the lesson Program your Sphero to simulate and play games All of you will: Use your Sphero to create a program to simulate being pulled over by a traffic officer Most of you will: Use your Sphero to create a Hot Potato game Some of you will: Create a program to allow your Sphero to tell the future
Speedy Sphero You’ll create a program that simulates Sphero getting pulled over by a police officer for speeding, build a hot potato game, and make Sphero into a fortune teller to predict the future. All of this will be accomplished with variables that let you set conditional values.
Speeding Ticket Sphero gets pulled by a police officer for speeding, using the speed sensor as a variable and Loop Until.
Speeding Ticket
Hot Potato Advance Warning – This program starts to be come more difficult. Only proceed if you are in Year 8 and confident at coding and maths Sphero gets thrown around in the hot potato game using two variables and Loop Until.
Hot Potato
Fortune Teller Sphero is a fortune teller that predicts the future by combining a variable, nested If Then, Else conditions, and random bounded values. After you build the program, consider creating a more complex fortune teller, here are some possible answers you could program.
Fortune Teller